(c) Robert Neil Boyd)
Q: "How does one work out the resonance factor of a something to be "cured"?
A: Depends what it is that we are trying to accomplish.
For example, the 6-band resonance of bone is markedly different than the 6-band resonance of a virus. (6-band resonance is related to the frequency domains of objects of various sizes. For example, we can resonate with the large structure, a bone. Then we can resonate the constituent cells, as whole units, which create the bone. Next, we can resonate the internal structures of that cell, e.g. mitchondria, DNA, etc,. Then, going smaller, we can resonate the individual proteins of the DNA. Smaller, we can resonate with the atomic elements of those proteins. Even smaller, we can resonate the elementary particles which comprise the atomic elements. Ion Cyclotron Resonance and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance are commonly used in this domain. We can also resonate combinations of these various bands simultaneously.)
Have you ever had any involvement with radio gear, such as antenna construction? When we want to transmit a radio signal of a particular frequency, we find that the strongest radiated signal occurs when the wavelength of the radio wave is precisely equal to the length of the antenna. (Typically, antennas one quarter of the frequency are used, even though they are not as efficient as a full wave antenna, they are efficient enough.) When we are building our antenna, we can instrument the power output through the antenna. When we reach the frequency of resonance, we observe a dramatic increase in the ERP (Effective Radiated Power). Making the antenna wire shorter or longer, will create a reduction in the ERP.
The field of study known as harmonics is related here. In terms of music, we have the fundamental, the harmonic, the overtone, and the octave. These same factors are involved when studying any kind of resonance.
In terms of off-the-shelf resonance detection instruments, a commonly used device is an instrument known as a spectrum analyser. This instrument registers the radio frequencies, for example, which are, for example, in the air, as visible lines on a CRT, rather in the manner of an oscilloscope.
The high power at a given frequency will show on the screen as a vertical form, where the height of the form is directly related to the power density at that particular frequency at that particular time. The instrument measures the energy-density in the frequency over time domain. It is rather simple to apply to studies of linear E/M resonances.
Things do get more complicated though, because stochastic and nonlinear resonances are possible, which can couple into linear systems, giving misleading results in the linear domain. Nonlinear resonances are one of the reasons that RF engineers design their circuits with a certain amount of "slop".
In addition, we can have resonances in the complex and quaternionic domains (aka "imaginary domain") of E/M radiation. Detection of resonances in complex and quaternionic E/M systems requires specialized instruments.
Anyway, the simplest answer to your question is, that we send energy in various forms, at various frequencies, into the system, then look for spikes indicating that resonance has occurred. -- RN Boyd