Reduction of Physiological Effects of Alcohol Abuse
By Substitution of a Harmless Alcohol Surrogate
Created by Application of a Spin Field

(c) Robert Neil Boyd

Robert Neil Boyd, Ph. D.
Presented for consideration to:
The National Institute of Health, Alcohol Abuse Center


It has been found through empirical experimentations that the spin field causes various properties of a vast array of materials to be transferred, with varying degrees of intensity and various degrees of impermanency, into other various materials. This is most dramatically demonstrated when application of the spin field transfers the inebriating properties of alcoholic beverages into pure de-ionized water. When this treated water is assayed, it is found to be chemically pure water, yet, when consumed, it has all the properties of an alcoholic beverage, with none of the damaging side effects, such as cellular damages, hangover, or a tendency to generate obesity. We find that this result is related to the memory property of water, and indeed to the memory of space itself, which memory is transferred by application of the spin field. It is suggested that further experimentation and clinical trials should be performed to investigate the possibility of applications of spin-altered water in alcohol abuse programs.


The spin field is described rigorously by R. M. Kiehn: [1] [2] [3] From a topological viewpoint, Maxwell's electrodynamics indicates that the concept of chirality is to be associated with a third rank tensor density of Topological Spin induced by the interaction of the 4 vector potentials {A, phi } and the field excitations (D, H). The distinct concept of helicity is to be associated with the third rank tensor field of Topological Torsion induced by the interaction of the 4 vector potentials and field intensities (E, B). The 4-divergence of the topological Spin is equal to the first Poincare Invariant of classical electromagnetism. The 4-divergence of the topological Torsion is equal to the second Poincare Invariant. On space-time domains where either Poincare Invariant is zero, the closed integrals of the Spin (respectively, Torsion) have values whose ratios are rational. That is, both the objects of topological torsion and topological spin can be quantized by the deRham theorems.

However, when the 4-divergence of Topological Torsion is not zero, the second Poincare invariant, E ยท B, is not zero, and parity is not conserved. New time dependent wave solutions to the classical homogeneous Maxwell equations in the vacuum have been found. These waves are not transverse; they exhibit both torsion and spin; they have finite magnetic helicity, a non-zero Poynting vector, E x H and a non zero second Poincare invariant, E dot B.

Two, four component, rank 3 tensors, constructed on topological grounds, in terms of the Fields and Potentials, are used to define the concepts of Torsion and Spin, even in domains with plasma currents. The divergence of the spin pseudo vector generates the Poincare invariant equivalent to the Lagrangian of the field,

B dot H -D dot E -(A dot J - rho phi).

The divergence of the Torsion pseudo vector generates the second Poincare invariant, E dot B. The Poincare invariants have closed integrals, which are deformation invariants, and therefore can be used to define deformable coherent structures in a plasma. When the second Poincare invariant is non-zero, there can exist solutions that are not time-reversal invariant.

Put in simpler terms, the spin field can be described as a series of propagating helical vortices observed as carrying a dense interstitial flux of an array of particles, possibly ranging down to the sub-quantum, in size. [4] This flux of particles and the spin field helices act together, in some not well understood manner, to temporarily copy the physical properties of substances into other substances. It is this flux of sub-quantum particles, which seems to be responsible for the copying ability of the spin field.

In relation to positively charged particles, such as the proton, the motion of the spin field energy is directed from the periphery to the center. For negatively charged particles, the field is directed from the center to the periphery. A spin field disturbance moves along a helical path in space, with a propagation velocity which is typically, significantly less than the speed of light. Propagation velocity is determined by the longitudinal moment of the impulse, and those parameters of the environment which the change the density of the winding of the helix of the spin field. For the spin field created by the spin field generator, as designed by A. A. Shpilman in 1995, [5] the longitudinal momentum of the spin field impulse is equal to the impulse of a proton, with an energy of 300 electron-volts in air, and 3 electron-volts in ferrite. The spin field helices are very sensitive to the magnitude and direction of the magnetic vector potential. The helices are guided in the direction of the vector potential, but not in the direction of the magnetic field! Spin fields of protons are guided in the direction of the Poynting vector. The space between the spin field helices is saturated with particles, which are similar to the neutrino, having energy at rest of an electron-volt or less. These particles are apparent as threads, composing closed toroidal knot-like structures, having various rest masses, topologies, characteristic sizes, and a broad spectrum of resonant frequencies. Apparently, the rules of gas dynamics apply to the interstitial particles associated with the spin field helix.