Propagation of Superluminal Subquantum Masses, and Causality 
(c) Robert Neil Boyd

The translational velocity of impact (shock) waves through a medium can easily be vastly higher in velocity in any given medium, than the speed of sound, or the speed of light, through the media. As you know, the velocity of light through a medium is related to the speed of sound through the medium, in terms of mass density per unit volume. Cherenkov radiation is an example where the electron velocity exceeds the velocity of light in the local medium. In this situation, the electron radiates a photon of specific frequency so as to release excess translational energy and so return to light speed propagation velocity, in accordance with Relativity theory.

However, when subquantum particles are involved, relativistic considerations no longer apply. All of Planck's constants have perfectly vanished where subquantum events and masses are involved. Additionally, when we perform the calculation of the allowable translational velocity of an infinitely small mass, assuming that such entities actually exist, we can easily see that the translational velocity limitations described by relativity theory do not apply because there is no mass (infinitely small mass) involved with the acceleration of the particle past light speed. Therefore, the relativistic prediction of an increase in inertial mass toward infinity as the mass approaches the speed of light, fails, because our mass is infinitely small in this situation.

Causality is not violated here. It is altered.

Here is how: 
Let us contemplate a situation where we start a race between two objects where the each object will pass through the distance of our race course and trigger a light to signal that the object has completed the race course distance. Let us give our first object some finite and arbitrary velocity. Let us give the second object an infinite velocity. Clearly, our second object will always cross the finish line the very instant we start the race, causing the light to come on in its portion of the track. Our first object, with finite velocity, crosses the finish line some arbitrary time later, causing the light to come on in its portion of the track. In both cases, the passing of the object through the distance of the course can clearly be seen to cause the light to turn on, corresponding to that object having completed the race course. The fact that one light has turned on before the other, is clearly irrelevant to the fact that both objects have crossed the finish line. The velocity of the respective objects is irrelevant to the fact that both objects have completed the course. To then consider that the velocity of all objects should be limited to the slower of the two objects, would obviously an erroneous conclusion. To qualify the finish-time of the infinite velocity object, as being due to a failure of the measurement apparatus, since there is no observable propagation delay measured, would clearly be erroneous. The light has turned on.

Causation, however, is not violated by our infinite velocity object. The infinite velocity object simply turns on the light when it crosses the finish line. The same argument can be made for any arbitrary superluminal propagation velocity, relative to any luminal or subluminal propagation velocity. Causality is direct, in all cases, regardless of propagation velocity. The fact that there may be superluminal causation is quite irrelevant. And relativity is quite wrong in this kind of situation.

Again, the point is, that for subquantum entities, both relativity and quantum mechanics fail. Both relativistic and quantum events result from events at the subquantum level. In hierarchical physical expressions, it is easy to see that yet smaller entities can form subelemental particles, in the same manner by which subelemental particles form the elemental particles. We just extend our hierarchy towards the infinitely small...

There is the additional factor of superluminal information transfer by the medium of superluminal propagations of subquantum particles. When we consider the subquantum entities to be the entities which actually hold and convey the information from point A to point B, it is easy to see we are looking at the mechanism which describes both the "quantum potential" and "non-locality". (I have in mind here the experimental series done at Lebedev University by Gariaev, Poponin,, which prove that the physical vacuum has a memory which resides in the vehicles of subquantum entities. One reference to these experiments is known as the "DNA Phantom Effect".) Both the quantum potential and nonlocality can described as originating in terms of subquantum superluminal propagations.