The Physics of Creation,
Preservation, and Destruction

(c) Robert Neil Boyd

[R. N. Boyd]:
Nilanjan? Can we talk about the Void with these people? And, that-Which-Arises-Out-Of-The-Void? Can we talk about Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma? Will they understand?

In Quantum Field Theory (QFT) there are particle creation/preservation/destruction operators. These IMO can be taken as pertaining to epistemological domain. These are all knowledge-operators (Jnana-karak).

Now these knowledge -operators have one-to-one correspondences with Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh (Shiva) represented by letters A-U-M .

A |0 > = |1> ; Creation
U |1 > = |1 > ; Preservation
M |1 > = |0 > ; Destruction
|0 > = Vacuum state ; |1 > = One particle state .

Therefore , one can say these deities present the Ontology corresponding to the epistemology of QFT .

BTW: If you are familiar with any of Michel Foucault's work, then you will find interesting co-relations between QFT and Ontology via epistemology (experiential realm). To this effect, Pamela Major -Poetzl (Author: Michel Foucault's Archeology of western culture ,1983) has opined - the gist of Foucault's most valuable contribution is a new paradigm for the human sciences based on principles analogous to field theory in modern physics. Foucault's 'archaeology of knowledge', she says, is like modern physics, an abstract model imposing order on an experience of disorder.

The question:

Are A-U-M abstracts or concretes? Do they impose order on ... experiential disorder?