In a Subquantum Plenum, What is the Function and 
Behavior of Space? 
(c) Robert Neil Boyd

In a subquantum plenum which allows for mass infinitesimals, there IS NO VACUUM per se, as we know it, due to the filling of the void by all manner of subquantum particles. Thus we have only a "relative" vacuum which will have properties which vary at different scales of smallness. All that we are confident of still works, until we go below the Planck length. Then things get "a might tricky", as we say in Texas.

It looks like space is being curved and relativity still works, but this may be only an appearance. Empirically, space has been measured to be absolutely flat everywhere we have measured. Along these lines, I think that it is possible that space is not being "curved" by gravitation at all, but all that we observe with regard to the behaviors of the vacuum may be due to the properties and behaviors of subquantum particles rather than the properties of space. See the short discussion below, then ponder this statement again.

I think that many of the electrogravitic phenomena which have been observed point to a subquantum plenum which has a layered structure of some sort, related to the energy density per unit volume, relative to the mass density per unit volume of the subquantum plenum. There is apparently a relaxation time involved with the media, when large inertial dielectric masses are rendered bi-polar by application of a large voltage, such that, while the initial motion of the massive dielectric is in the direction of the positive pole of the applied potential, these motions have been observed to occur in rapid "steps" during the onset of the voltage impulse, while much prolonged but similar "steps" appear as the dielectric "discharges" its gravitoelectric field back into the plenum. This "stepwise" motion is fairly obviously due to some macroscopic form of quantization, which probably has a basis in the subquantum plenum.

Related to this kind of electrification event, Crookes, with his famous "Crookes tube" made observations of a "black radiance" when the tube was highly charged, which radiance sometimes spilled out of the tube into the surrounding air. Related to this, Tesla made many observations of black phenomena which he ascribed to the electrification of the aether by his Magnifying Transformer. In his published dairy, he describes visual distortions, visual clarifications, black shadows, black streamers, black threads, black waves, and so on, resulting from discharges of the Magnifying Transformer. These phenomena would linger for hours in the air of his laboratory, as well as at large distances radially away from the lab site.

Related to this there have been centuries of observations of blackness associated with certain abnormally intense lighting strikes. There exist many photographs providing records of such events. (These abnormalities are normally explained away as a "bleaching of the media", which explanation is not accurate at all, but rather, a convenient and unsupported explanation which tends to discourage further investigations.)

Consider the following: Stepwise motions of highly charged massive dielectrics. The lingering of these various black phenomenon over large spans of time. The spreading of these black phenomena from the epicenter.

What known physics can explain all these events as a common or covering theory? I am having difficulty finding any standard explanation for even one of these reproducibly observable events, much less something that explains all of them.

I will rely on Tesla's evaluation that these events are due to the electrification of the vacuum. Then the question arises, what is it that is being electrified in the vacuum? And what causes the vacuum to respond in these manners to the application of a large voltage???

Let us suppose that these black events are due to a curvature of space caused by the immensity and suddenness of the electrical discharges. (We're already out of the standard texts with such a thought, because the standard view has it that only gravity can curve space. [I insist this is not the case.] ) Now we can suggest that the black color is the result of the light being sucked out of the volume where these black events are observed, much in the same manner as a black hole. This looks pretty good! But how shall we then explain the persistence and the spreading of the black regions in terms of black hole type theory?       Tough one... Can't seem to find a black hole solution that allows for the thread-like formations nor can one be found which resembles these observations of vegetative growth and the spreading of the blackness away from the origination of the event..

Maybe there's something more going on here. Let's contemplate the possibility that subquantum particles are involved with these observations. Now let us contemplate the possibility that the subquantum particles are responding to electrification, rather than the space responding to the electrification in the manner to which we have become accustomed. Instead, here arises the possibility that the properties of the subquantum creatures may be responsible for our observations. This view would tend to support Puthoff's expressions with regard to the ZPE, because the ZPE fluctuations are caused by the subquantum particles, in my view. Also, this agrees with many of Aspden's calculations. On another note, I think that the spin/torsion field generators might be improved if the manufacturers increase the voltages applied to these generators, and decrease the rise time of the onset of the voltage, so as to pass voltage impulses or "spikes" into the active field generation components.

Perhaps Dylatov is on the right lines with his descriptions of the active vacuum, as both Berkant and I both seem to like his theory. Unfortunately, Dylatov's polarized vacuum does not appear to have the ability to explain the above phenomena.

Unless you add subquantum particles to the mix. Hmmm.... Now things seem to work out much differently....

The above commentary was on the following abstract:

Einstein's gravitational field

Abstract: There exists some confusion, as evidenced in the literature, regarding the nature the gravitational field in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. It is argued here that this confusion is a result of a change in interpretation of the gravitational field. Einstein identified the existence of gravity with the inertial motion of accelerating bodies (i.e. bodies in free- fall) whereas contemporary physicists identify the existence of gravity with space-time curvature (i.e. tidal forces). The interpretation of gravity as a curvature in space-time is an interpretation Einstein did not agree with.