Gravitation: The Slowing of Superluminal, Subquantum Aether Fluxes through Interaction with Existing Matter 
(c) Robert Neil Boyd

The original version of the paper on the "DNA Phantom Effect" by Vladimir Poponin had the subtitle: "Direct Evidence of a New Subquantum Field"

Poponin put the mathematical description in terms of a soliton in a Fermi-Popov-Ulam (FPU) lattice. [An FPU lattice is simply the Hermitian of a system of loosely coupled entities.] I interpreted these entities to be particles. Then, from the subtitle, I came to the notion of subquantum particles. So I came to the view that the entities which are responsible for retaining the memory of the vacuum are subquantum particles. This supported a view I already had from studying the Eikonal equation, which implies both infinitely large entities and infinitely large entities in fluid dynamical systems, which coupled nicely with my plasma physics background.

To make a long story short, after six years of research, I had publicly reached the conclusion that there is an aether, and that aether is composed of subquantum particles, smaller than the Planck length, perhaps even infinitely small, perhaps in several layers of ever smaller sizes. Then I realized that an infinitely small mass is not constrained to light speed, since the considerations of relativity theory do not apply to an infinitesimal mass.

By this, I came to realize that the quantum property of "non-locality" is caused by superluminal transports of these infinitely small particles, where the informational content of the "quantum field" is carried by the vehicles of the subquantum particles. Now, similar to the non-linear projective Moebius transformation solutions to the Maxwell equations, first discovered by V. Fock of Germany in 1946, then studied extensively by R.M. Keihn during the 1980s and 1990s, these propagations are not constrained to any specific velocity, and indeed are allowed to have any velocity, from zero velocity, to an infinite velocity. So too, are the subquantum particles. They can possess any velocity, from zero to infinity.

As a result of this sequence, I publicly stated a theory of gravitation which relied on superluminal propagations of subquantum particles, as being the actual cause of gravity. Then, when I ran across an article which showed that a density gradient in a gaseous media is behaviorally indistinguishable from the so-called "curved space" of relativity theory, I knew I was on the right track.

Then, last year, I was reading the book "History of Aether and Electricity" by Whittaker, and ran across the model developed by LaPlace in the 1850s, which has gravitation being caused by a constant influx of subquantum particles ("infinitesimals"),each of which has an intrinsic velocity millions of times faster than the speed of light. Stellar and interstellar plasma processes involving subatomic particle dissociations as the result of high dv/dt charge separation events in stellar and interstellar plasmas are the origin of this constant in-streaming of subquantum particles which can easily attain superluminal velocities by such plasma dissociation events. Then, when these anisotropic superluminal subquantum entities encounter pre-existing matter, they are refracted and slowed down by interactions with the pre-existing matter. The reaction which occurs is experienced by matter as the pressing-down force we call gravitation.

Indeed, the slowing of the aether fluxes by interactions with electrons, in particular, results in the formation of additional electrons, where electrons are modeled as whirlpools of subquantum aether particles, after the Kerr-Neumann Vortex model developed by Tony Smith and Sidharth. The continuous formation of electrons within the Earth's crust is the result of these gravitational aether fluxes, which process is the actual cause of the internal heating of planetary bodies, and the reason for the constant excess of negative electrical planetary charge, which cannot be accounted for by the solar wind model, since the solar wind is a neutral charge-balanced plasma.

This couples into the Autodynamics theory developed by R. Carezani. See: Physics Essays - Volume 5, number 1 - March 1992 "The Muon Decay muon+ -> e+ e+ e+ and Autodynamics" by Ricardo Carezani

I like this work because it agrees with me on the following points:

  • Galilean relativity is correct.
  • There exists only one frame for the universe. (Lorentz was physically wrong.)
  • Neutrinos are fictions invented by Pauli in an attempt to rescue SR from energetic anomalies.
  • There was never a big bang.
  • The speed of light is not a limitation to velocity.
  • Gravitation is caused by particles (per my above sequence).
  • There are no black holes.
  • Red shifting is not a valid method of determining astronomical distances
  • Entropy of the universe is constant, NOT "ever-increasing". (There will never be any "heat death" of the universe.)
  • The pico-particles responsible for gravitational phenomena are sometimes captured by existing masses, leading to mass increases over time.
  • Distance is a constant, NOT a variable, as the Lorentz transformations represent a mathematically correct fantasy which is easily verifiable as physically wrong. (This also means Lorentz-Fiztgerald contraction events are an optical illusion.)
  • The Allais pendulum anomalies, which cannot be explained by Newtonian or Relativistic models of gravitation, are easily explained by aether density variations. [This refers to a series of experiments done by Allais of France, concerning gravitationally anomalous behaviors associated directly with solar eclipses. Specifically, during an eclipse, Foucault pendulums are always observed to precess backwards for the duration of the eclipse, returning to normal precession after the eclipse has subsided. This behavior cannot be accounted for by relativity or any other standard theory. It can be accounted for by my superluminal subquantum particle aether, by the LaPlacian model for gravitation, and by Autodynamics theory. All of these views have a similar basis. What makes mine different is that it accounts for quantum non-locality, Life force, Consciousness, Podkletnov's results, your results with informational transports which alter the instruction set acted upon by the DNA factory, and the memory of the vacuum per the "DNA Phantom" experiments.]
  • In particle physics, behaviors are truly analogous to interactions between whirlpools in a fluid, rather than the "billiard ball" models which are commonly expressed by the particle physics community presently.
  • There are no "quarks".
  • "Action at a distance" is a fact permitted when physical events are intermediated by superluminal subquantum particles.
  • Faster than light photons exist.
  • The decay event models of present particle physics are fictions.
  • It is possible to construct a microscope to view subatomic particles.
  • Etcetera.

We can consider Carezani's "pico-graviton" particles as just another name for my superluminal subquantum aether particles.

Carezani unfortunately clings to a view that the universe is finite in volume. With my infinite range aether-telescope, such superstition will soon be dissipated.

Subquantum particle activities are the origination of both gravitation and the memory of the vacuum. And absolutely everything else, ultimately.

See: and "The Undivided Universe", by Bohm and Hiley, at page 136, and at pages 285 to 294.

On page 352, Bohm says, "...the quantum potential represents active information."

The vehicle which carries that information, in a non-local, superluminal manner, is exactly the superluminal subquantum particles which comprise the aether and which are the cause of gravitation.

Also see the section by Bohm which describes "Osmotic Processes", starting at page 197, as these descriptions are perfectly adequate to descriptions of aether activities, since such activities require no upper limit to velocity. Of particular interest is the text at page 203, where Bohm says, "...The essential point is that in an independent disturbance of one of the particles, the fields acting on the other particle (osmotic velocities and quantum potential) respond instantaneously even when the particles are far apart. It is as if the two particles were in  instantaneous two-way communication exchanging active information that enables each particle to 'know' what has happened to the other, and respond accordingly."

This statement by Bohm is exactly correct! The subquantum particles are the vehicles which provide for the instantaneous communication of information in osmotic processes and are the "quantum potential" itself.

As well as the informational vehicles which enabled the chicken to turn into a duck, and the salamander into a frog, as per the experiments of Kanjen and Gariaev. (I've seen four different spellings for the name Kanjen, so I've just offered up the spelling Gariaev uses, since it is phonetically accurate.)

If you haven't read "The Undivided Universe" yet, get it! It is well worth the reasonable expense.