The Function of Information in Quantum-Genetic Correlations
(c) Robert Neil Boyd
When regarding the various results which have showed what may be quantum correlations resulting in alterations of genetic systems, we are interested to discover how these alterations might actually have occurred.
Let us consider the possibility that in order for the observed correlations to occur in genetic systems, that there might be some requirement for informational quantities, as well as the various information qualities, which will then be directly involved with the observed EPR-like correlations.
This requirement for information density might then represent a fundamental mechanism which describes genetic information transfers as analogous to a series of quantum state changes, which rely on information density by type, per unit time, per unit volume. This concept is related to the idea of “quantum matter”, first proposed by H. Stapp [1], and to the corresponding “quantum phase states of Stapp’s “quantum matter”, as proposed by the writer [2].
Perhaps in the observed genetic quantum correlations, information density can be viewed as an additive function and might be cumulative over time, resulting in the kind of memory function that is already known to be inherent in the media. The notion that the media itself acts as an active memory for information of various sorts, is supported by numerous experimental results, such as those reported by Gariaev, Kanjen, Poponin, etc. [3] [4] [5] [6].
In some situations, there is a transport of the media, whereby the memories inherent in the media are relocated. In other circumstances, there is an active transference of the information contained in the media, by the vehicles of photons, electromagnetic propagations, and other energetic informational conveyances. In these cases, the information contained in a given local volume may be transferred to some location remote from the origination, while the memory of the local media, which has not itself been relocated, is retained, unaltered.
All of this has been alluded to by Bohm [7] [8] [9] in his expressions regarding an “implicate order” and a “quantum potential”. The implicate order, and the quantum potential are simply information, inherent in the media. The fact that certain varieties of information can propagate superluminally under certain conditions, is not relevant to the fact of the existence of the information itself.
The standard quantum concepts of superposition, correspondence, coherence, quantum states, and so on, are all resulting from the information that is held in the media. For example, the superposition principle regards the state of a physical system as its configuration at a particular moment, residing in some combination of states which have physically different properties, such that the state of the system at a given moment is considered some proportion of the primary physical conditions which the system may occupy at any given moment. This situation is examined in terms of the probability that the system will occupy one or another physical state, at some point in the future.
Without active information already being inherent in the system, there can never be any superposition, nor can there ever be any “quantum state” in the first place, which can be “occupied” by the system. In other words, all of the information about the system is already contained inherently by the system, prior to any examination of the system by any instrumentation or observer. The quantity of different kinds of information can be quite vast, and some of these qualities can be uninstrumentable by any means presently available. The principle of superposition of quantum states is then, in fact, a secondary statistical effect resulting from the active information already inherent in the system.
Let us now consider the possibility that there is no real limitation regarding the amounts or types of information that can be contained in a given quantum system. Clearly then, there can easily exist kinds of information about which we cannot be aware, internal to the system. Thus, the quantum system may be viewed as a kind of “black box”. We can see what comes out of the box, but we don’t really know what is actually inside the box, except by our observations of what comes out of the box, and then only statistically, through numerous repetitions of similar events. There can then arise nonlinearities and unexpected deviations from the normally expected output, which could be viewed as “uncertainty”. Actually, our only uncertainty lies exclusively in our inability to know precisely everything that is contained in the black box, in the informational sense.
Indeed, Heisenberg’s “Uncertainty Principle” has been falsified by the Nobel prize winning efforts of Hans Dehmelt [10], which proved that both the momentum and the position of an electron could be know simultaneously and with perfect accuracy for months on end, and by the writer’s proof [11] that there is no manner of uncertainty associated with any observable aspect of a monochromatic beam of photons.
In other words, the system itself can be inordinately and unfathomably complicated in the information sense and what we can observe is actually a secondary result of the active information inherent in the system. Quantum results are inherently incomplete, because it appears that we can never possibly have access to all the information which has been involved internal to the quantum “black box” to produce the results which come out of the quantum black box.
The results which arise from the quantum system are not due to multiple fictional “quantum worlds” comprised of infinities of possibilities, which are due to overlapping of probabilities. This way of thinking leads to a view which we can never actually observe in our everyday experience. Rather, the activities of the quantum system rely exclusively on vast quantities of diverse kinds of information, which act to determine what exactly comes out of the black box, and when. The internals of the black box may be actually directly causal, but this is beyond our ability to perceive directly, at this time.
We inhabit a very real and experiencable universe which interacts with us, and we with it. Certainly, we do not at each instant go through a process of examining infinite numbers of superpositions of infinite numbers of “possible worlds” in order to determine which quantum states have “collapsed from the wave functions”. Instead, we constantly accept whatever information is available wherever we have focused our attention, and act on that information, as required by the circumstances. The observer is perfectly dependent on the information supply available, and thus not at all separated from the universe, nor its activities, contrary to current quantum themes.
Thus it seems clear that the observed genetic alterations were not due to quantum correlations, but due to the information content of the media having been transferred from point A, across space, by several possible means, to point B. The information transferred contained the genetic sequences. Thus the quantum system at point B was re-organized by new information which came from point A.
When we consider the genetic system as being comprised, at the deepest level, of subquantum entities which are the vehicles for the observed memory of the media, then it is easy to see how these entities can inform the larger objects comprising the genetic system, in a manner which seems to have some analogy to quantum correlations, but which is in fact due to a subquantum process.