Beings - Sylphs
(c) Robert Neil Boyd
the Paracelsus system, Paracelsus defined the term "sylph" as:
"Any of a class of mortal, but soulless, beings supposed to inhabit the
This definition is, wrong, backwards, and inside out. Sylphs are immortal non-physical beings which have and are souls. These beings are the artists who form the clouds, in their wispy and thin forms, e.g., horsetails, feathers, etc. The typical cirrus, and cirronimbus formations are expressions of the Sylphs. Sylphs are not typically visible to the untrained eye. Sylphs do inhabit the same volume of space as the air, but their actual Being resides in the physical vacuum, as a coherent holographic form of energy.
This holographic form is typical of many varieties of Consciousness, including the Consciousness of Human Beings. This statement is based on personal empirical researches, and the researches of Karl Pribram, an eminent neurophysiologist, who proved that memory and consciousness are not contiguous with the brain, or the physical form, rather that they exist in the form of a hologram, which can be described in terms of the quaternions, or in terms the Clifford algebra. (See, for example: Talbot, The Holographic Universe. May be purchased from Amazon Here.)
This photograph shows some beautiful cloud beings. See the angelic looking formations towards the bottom center? I feel very skyly when I do merging vision with the figures in in the clouds there. Especially the one with her arms outspread, floating forwardly.
look like white balls of light, darting around the sky rapidly unless they are
involved in a creation, in which case they will remain in place for a while.
One must learn to distinguish between the sylphs and the communications balls
that the mountains and clouds and so on use to communicate with one another.
The key is in the emotional content of each, as usual. The sylph is itself a
Being, while the the white communications balls are devices sent between one
Being and another. Also, communications balls are usually slower moving than
the observable activites of sylphs.