(c) Robert Neil Boyd
It was suggested that, very simply, photons are their own "anti-particles". This is not quite true.
In quantum theory, quantum excitations of the electromagnetic field become photons, while quantum excitations of the electron field become electrons and positrons. Not only are photons their own anti-particle, but so too are electrons their own anti-particle. The mathematical derivation of the positron done by PAM Dirac, predicted the existance of the positron, which was mathematically modeled as an electron traveling backward in time. An anti-photon is a photon traveling backward in time.
But there's more. Just as the anti-electron (aka positron) has a property of charge which is equal to and opposite the charge of the electron, so too does the anti-photon have inverted properties when it travels backward in time. What could such inverted properties be? I think that in the case of the anti-photon, that it will deposit cold when the anti-photon in the infra-red portion of the spectrum.
The reports from Godin, et al, regarding mysterious depositions of cold in their experimental apparatus could be explained by time-reversed infra-red. If this view is correct, their observed cold should be able to be focused by simple optical lenses, to make a spot of cold, rather like the magnifying glass can be used to make a spot of heat by focusing time-forward light. This could be useful.
But there's more. There should exist anti-graviphotons. I'll take this up with Tony Smith, and see what he makes of the concept.
Related to anti-graviphotons is the problem of the origination of mass. Some particles, such as the electron, and the tau meson, and the mu meson, appear to be identical in all respects except their mass. There are several such cases in particle theory where mass is the only feature that distinguishes one elementary particle from another. Working out what should be the masses of the elemental particles, is a central difficulty in particle physics.
Attempts to resolve this difficulty have failed. Why? First, in the quantum theory, as it stands, there is no way to determine how to affix mass values to the various elementary particles. Indeed, quantum theory, when taken at face value, shows that there should exist particles with every possible mass! Quantum theory allows the infinitely large mass, the infinitely small mass, and every mass value in between is allowable. (Ark will correct me on this if I'm wrong.)
Relativity is no help either, as it also allows for infinitely large and infinitely small (mass infinitesimals) masses in its basis. Twistor theory also allows all mass values for particles. The WKB approximation of the Eikonal equation also shows that there should be infinite variety of massive entities.
It is not that these theories are wrong, or inaccurate in these regards. It is that the interpretations of these theories are incorrect with regard to mass.
Very simply, where these theories all agree that there are infinitely large, and infinitely small masses, it is true!
What can this mean?
Subquantum aether particles with an infinite array of massive particles comprised from them.
(?Galaxy particles?)