Aether-Generated Transparencies 
(c) Robert Neil Boyd

Here is a simple experiment that may provide some ideas as to how to explain this experience [seeing transparently through closed eyelids], derived from a recent posting by me on greenglow:

"...Your theory should show that the Earth captures aetheric fluxes, which convert then, into heated electrons and subluminal "subcharge" fluxes.

This mechanism accounts for both the molten core of the planet, and excess of electrical charge exhibited by the planet.

An experimental example of this "subcharge" I am referring to can be observed by placing a physically enclosed camera in the path of a beam of white light, so that the light ray centers on the lens of the camera. When this arrangement has been accomplished, then insert a prism into the path of the white light beam, so that the spectrum becomes visible by refraction. Let this arrangement remain active for several hours, then turn off the light, remove the camera from its enclosure, and develop the film.

The film frame which was at the focal point of the lens will be found to have been exposed... 

By what? 

By returning to my "electric light" theory as expressed several years ago on this forum, [light having charge] we may have a useful direction of exploration by which may be able to explain these experimental observations."

All that having been said, I think that your experience also includes something else. This involves the fact that all material forms constantly both radiate and absorb aetheric particle fluxes. In some cases these fluxes are more organized, observable, or palpable.

There is substantial body of physical evidence and experimental results which have been successively compiled since before Luigi Galvani, that there are a great many mechanisms and physical activities which are not accounted for by the standard theories such as the Maxwell equations, Relativity, and QM. It is precisely these results that we are interested in, because they lead us inevitably into the subquantum realms. I will try to confine myself just now to only a few salient understandings, since as I said there is quite a large body of information involved, which has been accumulating since well before the 1500s. [e.g., megalithic structures]

Luigi Galvani observed that he experienced spatial stresses between, and along, dissimilar metals. Galvani made extensive studies of the "auric effects" occurring between separated metals. He also studied metals in close proximity, and the activities of metals in contact. These particular results reported by Galvani are easily replicated, as they involve nothing more complicated than large plates of metal. Standing two large dissimilar metal plates in parallel, in the vertical direction, then walking between the plates, brings about physically experiencable pressures or stresses, depending on some unknown quality inherent in the metals composing the plates. Stepping between the plates brings about strange visceral effects. What could cause these sensations, since neither electricity nor magnetism can be involved?

If one will construct two contacting plates, one of iron, the other of copper, which are sufficiently light so as to be picked up by hand, and then hold the copper plate facing the body and move in a slow circle, there will arise positions which bring physical sensations into the body. (It has been reported that such constructions have therapeutic benefits when so applied.) How can this be?

The Galvanic aurae and space tensions are non-electrical in nature. These tensions are electrically immeasurable, yet undeniably physically experiencable. Aerial batteries designed after Galvani's experiments provide sensate experiences, felt through the chest and thorax as "thrilling frictions", quoting the witnesses of those times. So what causes these physical responses?

What agency is responsible, since there is most certainly no measurable electrical or magnetic activity occurring? Galvani discovered that grounded metal plates and elevated metal terminals spontaneously acquire this kind of "charge". Galvani also empirically recorded experiences of "dual currents" of this kind of charge, which moved in opposite directions. (This, by the way, was the origination of the of the "dual current" theory of electricity.)

Galvani discovered interactivities between the weather and these currents, and interactivity between biological entities, and these currents. The original "jumping frog leg" experiment was attributed to Galvani. Galvani would touch a metal wand to a disembodied frog's leg, and the leg would respond with a jumping action. Later he dispensed with the metal rod, and would obtain the same activities by remote means which relied on his version of a "battery". Galvanic batteries make no electricity, and are constructed of alternating layers of dissimilar metals, such as iron and zinc, in tall stacks.

There was no electricity, as we are familiar with it today, used in **any** of Galvani's experiments. So what was this current described and extensively experimented with by Galvani? Clearly, Galvani's result had very little to do with the contemporaneous experiments conducted by Volta, where Volta's experiments were concerned almost exclusively with electricity and its properties. During that time, and even today, the distinct difference between Galvanic currents and Volta's currents was lost on most people, due to the fact of certain similarities between the two varieties of currents under certain circumstances, observations of "electromotive" and ponderomotive effects leading to confusions as to which of these kinds of currents led to which kinds of effects, eventually resulting in an unfortunate and confused blending of Galvani's and Volta's results. This blurring process of the progressive loss of distinctions between these two forms of activities, has increased over time.

That should give you some things to ponder...

Now, all that having been said, try to take the view that what you were seeing was evidence of the Galvanic [aetheric] flux, as associated with all Life forms, the flux being capable of passing through almost any material, effortlessly, as per the above enclosed camera experiment.

See if these notions help any, in explaining the experience of seeing transparently through your closed eyelids.