Acceleration of Acceleration = Power Gain
(c) Robert Neil Boyd
Anytime we encounter a "jerk", that is to say, a fast pulse of any kind in any media, we encounter "excess" energy. Electrically, we find this in situations such as Tesla's "magnifying transmitter" designs, where explosive electrical discharges dissociate electrons into their subquantum components, resulting in multitudinous kinds of "anomalous" events.
Another example occurs when we cause a disruptive plasma arc in water, resulting in a water-plasma explosion, which releases inordinate amounts of energy, relative to the energy originally discharged into the water. This situation also causes "anomalous" pressure increases in saltwater-plasma explosions, on the order of 20,000 atmospheres, which cannot be explained by Joule heating, electrodynamic field theory, nor even by Newtonian electrodynamics (along the lines of Ampere and Neumann). Relativistic electrodynamics predicts an increase in pressure on the order of 0.2 times, by way of Lorentz current pinching forces occurring in the arc, whereas actual measurements result in pressure increases on the order of 6000 times. Ampere's force laws predict pressure gains between 10 and 200 times, still far short of the pressure increases actually observed in these situations. From these observations, it must be concluded that the pressure increases observed in the case of a salt water- plasma arc explosion are at least 90% "anomalous". Again, the key here is an impulse situation which approaches the electrical ideal of the Dirac delta function, that is, an infinitely fast rise time of an infinitely high voltage. Here, the ideal is an infinitely fast rise time of an infinitely powerful accelerative mechanical force.
These situations where a "jerk" is occurring can also result in "anomalous" increases in kinetic (projectile) energy, and anomalous heat increases, as well as anomalous cavity deformations and transmutations of atomic elements (by what means?).
As I said, all these "anomalies" have in common the "jerk", an acceleration of an acceleration. (It's pretty simple, really, when you look at it.) And, any time you have a "jerk", you have a situation which causes releases of subquantum particle fluxes, that is to say, immensely energetic aether coherent activities, which, by the way, can act superluminally. All these cases and situations cause the aether to behave like the situation where a rock is dropped into a pond of water. Waves arise from the impact point in the media and proceed longitudinally, outbound from the point of impact, never to return to the origination, a one-way wave-motion.
In all such "jerk" situations, hydrodynamic and gas dynamic analogies will be found to be quite appropriate and useful in expressing the observed behaviors. "Polarization of space", in the manner of Dyatlov, is actually the result of the outbound wave of aether flux, expanding away from the point of origin. (Again, this can be a superluminal expansion.) It is an organization of the aether by means of a rapid and irresistible force which has been applied to the media.
As another example of what can result in these situations, the largest magnetic field ever measured was the result of the impact of a high velocity projectile into metal, causing an alignment of the magnetic domains in the metal due to the high dA/dt ("A" here is acceleration) which was thus imparted to the atomic lattice structures in the metal, causing extraordinarily abnormal alignments and coherences in the material, resulting in an anomalously huge magnetic field at the point of ablation. (And, by the way, localized transmutations of elements.)
Can we use any of these kinds of energetic anomalies? Most assuredly, yes! All "jerking" activities will give us useful power gains, regardless of the original media to which the "jerk" is imparted.
Some additional, important points of interest:
- There is a threshold for these kinds of energy gaining events, just as there is a threshold for Tesla's "Magnifying Transmitters". (If the threshold requirements are not met, nothing out of the ordinary will happen.)
- In many cases, simply a large and fast, highly energetic explosive pulse is enough to make things happen. When these situations are examined closely, there is always an enormous local acceleration, which is not necessarily of the acceleration of an acceleration variety.