Zero Point Energy
(c) Robert Neil Boyd

[R. N. Boyd]:

How can it be proved that the vacuum does *not* contain infinite energy? Consider, for example, such phenomena as particle spin. How is it possible for this spin to continue infinitely without replenishment from some kind of energetic source in the vacuum?

What causes ZPE flux, an observed phenomena which has been calculated by Wheeler to cause space curvatures on the order of 10^-66 cm, orders of magnitude smaller than the Plank length? (ZPE is an observation of Quantum Physics. ZPE is not a conjecture.)

Infinite energy at the scale of 10^-66 does not mean that we will experience infinite energy on our macro-scale. The world of infinitesimals is completely different than the reality we live in. For example, all of the activities on the Plank scale are perfectly reversible in time (as shown by Feynman Time at our macro-scale is perfectly irreversible, observably so. Do you see the difference between behaviors at the scale of the infinitesimal and the macro-world where we live and have our Being?

I do not understand why there is such resistance to the infinite. I disavow renormalization, as well.


Zero-Point Energy gives the vacuum infinite energy, which is clearly false. This assumes that ZPE is derived from the theory of virtual particles.

[B. Goeksel]:
It is funny that I again started reading the books of Dr. Paul Laviolette. You often recommended them. I would like to quote from the book Subquantum Kinetics:

[From Paul Laviolette's book]:

Chapter 1: Overview of the Methodology

"Are microphysical structures so different from other natural systems that they are only ones for which the open systems concept is unsuitable? Or, could it be that physics is still in its infancy and has not yet emerged from the mechanistic, closed system paradigm that at one time also characterized the life sciences? The latter is probably closer to the truth. Indeed, of the sciences, microphysics deals with phenomena that take place on a scale that is quite far removed from direct experience. So, it is understandable that basic misconceptions could easily creep into physicists' theoretical constructs."

"Namely, is it possible to devise an open system model of space and time that provides for the emergence of quantum structures and fields, and that may more suitably describe microphysical phenomena than present theoretical frameworks? Can a new methodology be found for representing quantum phenomena within the open system paradigm? This book explores some such approach. This new path demands that we free ourselves of many assumptions that currently from the framework of physics. One such assumption concerns the nature of space."

"...if we are to develop an open system approach to microphysics we must adopt a very different view of space, one that regards space as active, interactive, and "alive". Such a concept is thoroughly explored in Whitehead's organic theory of space. It is also the concept that prevailed in more ancient times. The methodology presented here, henceforth referred to as subquantum kinetics, uses ideas previously developed in the fields of nonequilibrium thermodynamics and chemical kinetics and applies them to the field of microphysics to secure a new description of space. Briefly, space is postulated to be filled with a population of SUBif the knowledge would be so secret we would not discuss it. QUANTUM STRUCTURES called etherons that engage in both reaction and diffusion processes. Thus space is modeled as a vast nonequilibrium reaction-diffusion medium. The reaction processes that etherons engage in are specified in the form of a series of state equations, such as are customarily used in chemical kinetics."

p. 22: "Einstein believed that the physical reality of space would be best represented by a continuous field and that all physical phenomena, including particles, could be described by the appropriate solutions to the equations representing this field."

p. 34: "Moreover, subquantum kinetics is not bound by the Second Law restriction that entropy in the physical world must always increase. Since the physical universe is portrayed as an open system, entropy is also permitted to decrease. Hence, it is possible under certain conditions for physical form to spontaneously emerge.

p. 35: Subquantum kinetics assumes that the initial primordial state of the ether was subcritical and uniform, hence devoid of matter and energy."

[B. Goeksel]
Neil, I can see some parallels between the work of Laviolette (who is not using geometry!) and Heim who has defined such a field of metrons (smallest geometrical structure). Please compare what Heim writes:

"7. The Building Material of Elementary Particles

Empty space has been shown to consist of an invisible lattice of metronic cells. One can visualize them as little volumes, whose walls are metrons, touching each other and filling all of space. The orientation of the areas is related to the quantum mechanical concept of spin.

[R. N. Boyd]:
I think that this lattice may be non-uniform, as in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattice, which is the Hamiltonian of an N-dimensional system of loosely coupled (anharmonic) oscillators. Poponin has used this description regarding the memory of the vacuum. It may also be multi-layered, with different properties at different scales.

[B. Goeksel]:
Uniformity of the lattice signifies emptiness. Conversely, if the lattice is locally deformed or distorted, this deformation signifies the presence of something other than emptiness. IF the deformation is complicated enough it might, for example, indicate the presence of matter. This implies that there really is no separate substance of which particles are composed. What we call "matter" is nothing but a locally confined geometric structure in vacuum. Pure vacuum has the ability to deform its 6-dimensional lattice structure into geometrical shapes. That portion of it, which extends into the 3- dimensional space perceived by our senses, is interpreted by us as matter. The situation is somewhat analogous to the formation of a vortex in the air. Still air corresponds to complete emptiness, having not recognizable geometric properties. A tornado, on the other hand, is a fairly well defined geometric structure in air. Its funnel-like shape clearly differentiates it from the surrounding atmosphere, which is not in rotation, but it still consists of air only and not of any separate material.

The same is true of geometrical structures in space. They clearly differ from complete emptiness, but their "construction material" nevertheless is vacuum. It should be emphasized, however, that a mere deviation from uniformity of the metronic lattice does not automatically constitute matter.

The metronic lattice should be viewed as a dynamic structure. It is in a state of constant pulsation and vibration, forming regions of greater and lesser density. This dynamic activity gives rise, among other things, to the well-known phenomenon of vacuum fluctuations."

Heim also writes:

"Modern superstring theory, describing the interactions between elementary particles, also involves the use of more than 4 dimensions. However, following a suggestion by Kaluza and Klein, all but 4 of them curl up in such a manner that they exist only in dimensions of the order of 10^-35 m. Thus they are hidden and do not manifest themselves in the macroscopic world. x5 is a coordinate designating the degree of organization of a system. It is known in physics that entropy, which is a measure of disorganization, can be expressed in terms of a logarithm of the probability that the system is in a certain organizational state. The 5th coordinate expresses the opposite of disorganization, hence it is measured in units of the negative logarithm of a probability, multiplied by a constant giving the dimension of length.

The function if x5 can be demonstrated by using the living cells as example. Its interior consists of various regions having very different degrees of organization. The liquid cell plasma consists mainly of water having a low order of organization, unless one goes down to the atomic level, which we shall not do here. Cell nucleus and organelles, on the other hand, are complex, highly organized structures. If we had a mathematical expression for the material density of the cell's interior, it would yield a fairly constant value throughout the cell volume, since most cell constituents have the approximate density of water (actually, the cell is much too complex to allow a mathematical description).

Many material objects have the tendency to change their structure hence their organization as a function of time until they reach a final, stationary state. The dependence on x5 of the mathematical expressions describing such configurations is a measure of the degree of organizational order prevailing in a system during the various phases of its evolution in time until it reaches the final state of stability.

Organizational states evolving in time towards a final goal were defined already in antiquity as "entelechial" systems. Accordingly, Heim calls x5 the entelechial coordinate.

The above interpretation of x5 is valid in the purely physical domain. Highly complex systems such as living beings, which cannot be described in mathematical terms, require a different interpretation of x5. This will be discussed in Section 12.

The 5th and 6th coordinates work together as a team and always appear in combination. The task of x6 in this team is to guide the structure evolving in time, whose organizational condition is specified by x5, towards the stationary, dynamically stable configuration.

Most physical systems are guided by x6 towards a state of minimum disorder. A house, for example, is a highly organized structure, but if left alone it eventually ends up as a disordered pile of rubble. In this example, x6 guides states of high order towards those of low organizational order. Life processes, on the other hand, are guided in the opposite direction, i.e. from disorder to order!

Due to its function of directing the development in time of each individual system, x6 fulfills the important task of guiding the evolution of the entire universe. Due to its function of directing the development in time of each individual system, x6 fullfills the important task of guiding the evolution of the entire universe. This is illustrated by the following example: Let each picture of a film strip show an instantaneous state of a 3-dimensional world. Then the film as a whole represents the development in time of a possible universe. Now imagine a great number of other films stacked up all around the first one. Each of them again pictures the world, but with a least one single change compared to its neighboring strips. A line drawn arbitrarily through the block of films is called a "world line". Each film strip represents a possible sequence of uniquely determined events in our universe, and a world line intersects the pictures corresponding to the actual development of the universe in time. If there exists no intention, usually on the part of intelligent beings, of providing some guidance to world events, then world line is confined to a single film strip, indicating a world history that is determinate. However, if intelligent guidance is provided, the line "jumps" from film strip to film strip. The actual world line is guided by the 6th coordinate through the block of films, intersecting the pictures corresponding to the true temporal development of the cosmos. At each time step the 6th coordinate determines which state of the universe is to become reality.

Both transdimensions always act together, no event of any kind can involve only one of them. In fact, every event must involve both dimensions. All structures existing in the 3-dimensional world of our experience (4 if time is included) extend into two transdimensions. x6 is called the aeonic coordinate for reasons to be explained in Section 9.

The significance of a metron (6.15*10^-70 m^2) is the fact that it exists in empty, 6-dimensional space. This leads to the conclusion that space is subdivided into a 6-dimensional lattice of metronic cells. Each cell is finite in size and bounced on all sides by metron- sized areas. This is a radical departure from the generally held view that space is divisible into infinitely small cells. Independently of Heim, other authors in an attempt to quantize gravitation have found elementary areas of dimensions similar to that of a metron (Ashtekar et al. 1989).

6. Metronic Mathematics

The result that no area in Heim's 6-dimensional universe can be smaller than a metron requires a revision of some branches of mathematics. Differentiation, for example, assumes that a line can be decomposed into an infinite number of infinitely small segments. Conversely, integration recomposes the infinity small segments back into a line of finite length. In Heim's theory, differentiation and integration must be changed to comply with the metronic requirements mentioned above. A line cannot be subdivided into infinitely small segments, because an infinitesimal length normally is not part of an area of finite, metronic size.

Similarly, integration of finite lengths has been developed in the literature (Norlund, 1924; Gelfond, 1958), the novel feature of Heim's metronic theory is that it is a mathematics of finite areas. A metron is so tiny that for many applications it may be regarded as infinitesimal in the mathematical sense. In such cases Heim's metronic mathematics goes over into regular mathematics. There are instances, however, when it becomes obligatory to use metronic differentiation and integration.

Bill, there might be secret company products and applications resulting from extensive and expensive research and development of results of the unified field (see above). I think it was Carl who wrote that strong thought patterns and activities can alter reality.

Heim writes in this context:

"However, if intelligent guidance is provided, the line "jumps" from film strip to film strip. The actual world line is guided by the 6th coordinate through the block of films, intersecting the pictures corresponding to the true temporal development of the cosmos. At each time step the 6th coordinate determines which state of the universe is to become reality."

But this part is more amazing:

"The 7th and 8th dimension can be identified with informational processes, but no interpretation can be given to dimensions 9-12. In a humorous vein, Heim, quoting Goethe, calls them the location of the "Webstuhl der Zeit" (loom of time). It may be the seat of a supreme guiding agency, but this, of course, is speculation."

I would associate this guiding agency with sainthood and the (are all living now?) seven and forty sages who are highest masters of the universe. It is amazing that the Islamic mystics see UFOs as signs to show us the power of sainthood: