Subquantum Perspectives in the Penrose-Hameroff Model

TSC Conference Hong Kong, China 2009

Boyd, RN. PHD, USA - Klein, A. MDD Israel



            The Penrose-Hameroff model for Consciousness is hereby constructively addressed from a wide interdisciplinary perspective, derived from a novel Subquantum-based understanding of sentient reality.


            Relying upon the most advanced theoretic conjectures supplied by the addressed concept, as well as upon recent proposals related to the hyper dimensional essence of Brain and non-physical signalization pathways, our debate extends across the complementary domains of low-level (biomolecular and cytoskeletal), medium level (Neural networks) and high level (Consciousness) integration instances of the Self-controlled biosystem into its energetic environment.


            We suggest that conscious experience is accessed rather then generated by low order phenomena, presented here as correlates rather then aspects of consciousness.


            The Quantum Objective Reduction is described in terms of deterministic sequences running under Information field orchestration, where Informational configurations are translated into Brain Quantum states according to vector guidelines provided by the interplay between Subquantum resonant configurations.


            Brain is thus presented in its integral efficiency as a highly complex entropy-stabilizing apparatus, progressively patterning its ontological development according to anticipated Information processing tasks. This patterning is implemented by morphogenetic determinants enfolded in holographic control matrices, external to the apparatus. We provide ample arguments related to the Brain's efficiency as an ideal anchorage tool for connecting the biological systems into proactive conformally organized Information fields, which constitute the  self-conscious structure, operating in its own holographic space. We epistemologically differentiate between the holographic distribution principle, which exists in the Information field, at various levels of implication, and a concrete hologram, which requires a medium for expressing itself, which media is the SubQuantum plenum, in this case. Holographic interactions are made possible by Brain's being embedded in Quantum-controlled Euclidian projections of the projective hyperspace which accommodates organized Information fields. They are  implemented by the intrinsically hyperdimensional essence we ascribe to information  transporting  SubQuantum entities and their combinatorial patterns.

            Finally, we suggest that anesthetics may act obeying the Meyer-Overton correlation requirements while disrupting afferentation into subjective awareness fields by efficiently suppressing the neural Quantum resonance ability of Brain.  Experimental and experiential observations under these conditions have shown, indeed, that cognitive phenomena continue running unaffected in the individual organized holographic information field, and remain associated with projective information space .


            Transposing Lashley's interference engram into Quantum regime, mnemonic traces from such dissociating sequences between Brain and its cognitive field may be recalled by subsequent Quantum superposition effects triggered by Subquantum attractors, as supported by a vast experimental and experiential evidence, hitherto circumvented by mainstream explanatory trends.


            We emphasize that the Subquantum concept is able to successfully replace dualist-interactionist ones by a physically consistent and experimentally proven monistic asymmetric determinism obeying Bohmian implication requirements.


            It is reasonably hoped,  that our hereby suggested contribution has a strongly supporting potential for the Penrose-Hameroff model's advanced insights, while extending them toward possible further horizons supplied by the Subquantum contributions to the sentient reality we defend.




Our presentation at this Conference is intended to constructively address the Penrose-Hameroff "Orch-OR" model for Consciousness by a compatible and conceptually extended contribution derived from our progressively increasing understandings related to the Subquantum essence of sentient reality. Our basic conceptual guidelines have been presented at the "Quantum Mind" Conference in Salzburg 2007, as well as in the "T.S.C." conferences hold in Budapest (2007) and Tucson, Az (2008).
At these events, we summarized our approach as follows:

"Recent experimental results have proved intractable to explanation by resorting to existing physics paradigms. This fact, along with certain fallacies inherent in mainstream physical-cognitive theories of mind, have encouraged the authors of this paper to transcend the currently operative limits of investigation, thus to explore the abyssal depth of the still uncharted, but highly rewarding, SubQuantum regimes. The subquantum is herein assumed to co-existentially accommodate proto-units for matter, energy and Information, which are thereby brought onto an equal ontological footing, in the subquantum domains.

Devolving its argumentation and orientation from the Nobel Prize winning Fractional Quantum Hall Effect, which opened the perspective toward a further divisibility of the Quantum domain, hitherto considered as an irreducably fundamental description of nature, the hereby proposed inter-theoretic model claims to satisfy advanced scientific and philosophic requests as reformulated for a conceptually new working hypotheses. Subquantum potentials evolving in the Prime Radiation Matrix result in organizing functions able to interfere with classical local determinacy chains, operating at the Quantum levels of randomity inherent in space-time-like matter configurations, leading to highly complex representational patterns, linked to their phenomenal correlates in macroscopically detectable systems. Our model is strongly rooted in an overwhelming experimental evidence derived from multidisciplinary contexts of scholarly pursued exploration tracks as amply documented in this presentation.

Our basic understanding identifies the Quantum Potential (Quantum Field Theory) as a superluminal Sub Quantum Information-carrying aether able to interact with matter and physical forces at well defined Space-time positions injecting their Information content into our world of observables by modulating the event potential. This interaction is possible as soon as matter is defined by an n-degree entanglement state of SQ complexity. Absolute void refers to lack of matter which equals to a space-time sequence contending Information in its nascent, non-aggregative form (the Sub quantum plenum) as observed from our Space-Time perspective. It contains implicated layers of increasingly subtle pre-quantum domains, which each one at its manifestation range may be organized in complete worlds of the kind our own is, each one of them ranging till its own "absolute void" as transition state to the next implication level of reality.

Introducing a quite innovative approach to the most controversial nature of Brain/Mind interaction, the pre-quantum tenets rely upon experimentally testable assessments. Our proposal has a strong outreach into unprecedented explanatory options for anomalous output data distribution in non-conventional exploration fields, whose statistically significant results become logically integrated into epistemologically sustainable blueprints.Constructively debating reasoning tracks suggested by eminent scholars with most impressive credentials in widely quoted references across our presentation, we emphatically challenge the current paradigmatic tenets that are obviously inspiring endless sterile controversies disseminated in widely accessible and mass-media supported literature. We hope to succeed in our attempt to persuasively reverse misleading ontological tendencies relying upon their disqualified metaphysical backgrounds by asserting an upside-down epistemological approach for the primary determinism that Information structures have upon their physical counterparts.

Our views are perfectly consistent both with conventional empirical treatment of space-time defying representational variables, and their causal primacy upon Quantum implementation systems of their content, in the integral range of their polyvalent manifestation. Detailed descriptions of mind/matter entanglement patterns are supplied, as running in the holistic superimplicative sentient reality domains, under the overarching regulation of Cosmic Harmony, underpinning a continuous creation cosmogenetic process.

As our analysis addresses a pre-temporal range, the thus defined endless time vector allows ab-initio existing inherent resonance links in any SQ subtlety domain to turn into fluxes and organization effects leading to sequential entelechial self-contended worlds. These primeval harmonic SQ resonances are the very pattern of our overarching cosmic harmony just mentioned, the source of all conceivable manifestation and interconnectedness."

We are grateful to the organizers of the current event for the opportunity given to us to present some significant correlation aspects we have found between the Orch-OR model and our model, hoping that thus we might contribute to a further, more detailed understanding of the most controversial and still quite elusive nature of Consciousness.

As a whole, our present comments represent an attempt to constructively extend some details in the referred theory, which obviously is the best documented available one in the field. Our contribution derives from our assumption that the Orch-OR model might be compatible with recent experimental data of a wide interdisciplinary origination, which seem to support some novel paradigmatic hints hereby suggested. In spite of some epistemologically stretching hues in our approach, we assume that the academic community will appreciate its interdisciplinary value. These expressions may trigger a constructive feedback toward an increasingly accurate understanding of some unbiased fundamentals, which we hope will be more deeply explored in future investigations regarding Consciousness Studies.




We are aware of the fact that our hereby proposed concept may suggest some justified analogies to E. Fredkin's vision of a Universe representing a lattice of interacting logic units rather then mass/energy configurations. Nevertheless, we do our best to transcend any previously proposed theoretic developments, while following the involvement of various cognitive units into the neurohystological range, the topic of our present Brain-related concerns, as evoked by the Penrose-Hameroff propositions.

As amply documented in the model we refer to, subunits of cytoskeleton microtubules are recognized as highly Quantum sensitive structures.
We hereby suggest that their Quantum sufficiency is coordinated by Subquantum Information storage and carrier systems operating in superluminal velocity range. From this, their computation efficiencies far exceed computer-driven AI technologies, as applied in cellular automata concepts.

Further on, we consider that Pribram's collective emergence of qualitatively distinct properties, along upward evolutionary vectors in phylogenetic chains, is conceptually consistent to the cumulative complexity indices we ascribe to evolving Information-driven SQ substructures, which cause Quantum superposition states. The quantum states so produced, are specific for given hierarchical levels of organization, involving specifically related energetic configurations.

Let us assess from the very beginning, that perception modalities of sensory information in brain-coupled consciousness, are related, in our perspective, to interference patterns produced by neural firing frequencies, provided they are properly configured for their successful transcriptions into Subquantum maps, which are available for subsequent decoding ("reading") by symmetrically conformed Information fields, which fields are operating at the next implication levels of complexity.

Hopfield introduced an Informational function, coupled to energy states in the Brain. This opened a new analytical perspective. However, Hopfield did not recognize at the time, that the structure-patterning effects such Information fields generate, exist both in morphogenetic modelings of neural structures, as well as in permanent reconfigurations of the functional efficiencies of neural network correlates of cognitive functions. That such correlates widely exceed static Information patterning and selections is suggested, e.g., in Changeux's spin glass mechanism.

Holographic distribution patterns of space-time configuration Units are properties internal to the SQ entities. The the combinatorial states of the SQ entities are defining many different complexity values. This understanding provides a superior theoretical model for configuration transpositions, when compared to some earlier suggestions, such as the Conrad - Lieberman virtual cytoplasm representations.

Coherent nanoscale excitations in biosystems are elucidating collective subunit behavior patterns, which are originated in enfolded SQ Information patterns which control bioactivity chains. In this regard, DeCallatay's downward implication hierarchy and his approach to cytoskeletal structures, as fractal sub-dimensions of neural networks, in a Bohmian context, strongly supports our views.

By connecting EM, Time and Gravitation in a synoptic homogenous concept, the SQ approach supports both time-dependent and time-independent mechanisms such as those proposed by Froehlich and Davydov regarding molecular computational efficiencies.

Brain-scale macroscopic Quantum superposition effects are presented as evolving on the background of microtubulin conformational states, not as a cumulative consequence of such states, but as a higher organizing principle, one which allows for meaning-related two-way configuration-pattern transcriptions. These are essential replication effects, required for conscious representations, and are running in null time. This is a consequence of the superluminal velocity Information transfers which are commonly achieved by SQ fluxes, such as those recently experimentally demonstrated by Hu.


At the biomolecular level, entropy stabilizing systems involve hydrogen bonds of multi-enzyme complexes. These are related to water-supplied resonant bivacuum interactions as described in the Kaivarainen model. This interaction seems to be an important atomic-level contribution to cytoskeletal information processing ability.

Let's assume that Barrow-Lindsay correlated fluctuations in macromolecular surface effects, are SQ related to fluctuations of London forces, according to the polarization and separation indices which are specifically implied. This SQ relatedness operates in the infra-electronic and molecular scales, providing a transcription of a preselected SQ matrix, into conformations of biomolecular event chains. Further, let us assume that  biochemical oscillating patterns of tyrosination/glutamation, regulating biomolecular configurations, supply the chemical encoding required for replication of Quantum-related events. In this situation, femtosecond and nanosecond oscillations are present in the metastable functional conformational states which are observed at the biomolecular level, leading to transient superpositions, expressed as Quantum equivalents.

Such a transcription of Informational contents at biomolecular level, may imply that there exists a conformal Quantum tuning effect, which is occurring between cellular infrared dipolar radiations and ambient EM phenomena, acting to carry regulatory signals which are originating from higher implication levels. This concept seems to be supported by Free Energy Landscape experimental reports, where related experiments were performed using multidimensional Infrared and terahertz spectroscopy, with results which seem to correlate with the above suggestion. (Y. Suzuki and Y.Tanimura).

The ultimate coupling of conscious experience to the physical Brain, has been suggested to imply that there exist dynamically evolving entanglement modules, in the Quantum range between TGD-defined vacuum extremals, and Bose-Einstein condensates (M. Pitkanen). This circumstance might influence cytoskeletal resonance mechanisms, involving Josephson currents which are oscillating in the InfraRed frequency ranges, resulting in their coupling to photonic Bose-Einstein condensates, thus leading to functional phase-locking effects in microtubules.

Nonlinear quantized solitonic alpha helix propagations, as described by Davydov, in their retroactive coupling to quantized phonons in Information transferences across nanoscale structures, are embedded in the regulating Quantum map, which acts as a local teleological attractor, by way of electro-solitonic energy transfers. Quantum tunneling effects, together with nanosecond time-scale charge redistributions, related to the Froehlich excitations evolving in hydrophobic protein enclaves, equally participate in this process.

The alpha helicoidal structure of peptidic alignments and sequencing can be described as a soliton-mediated holographic transcription of vortex structures forming at different scales of magnitude, at least down to the 10e-58m Kolmogorov range, as we have repeatedly stated. Beta-pleated configuration sheets are formed in polypeptide chains according to Information that is contended in the subatomic realms of the relevant hydrogen bonds involved. In a similar way, tertiary and quaternary protein assemblies have been documented as forming under SQ-originated Van der Waals forces. Charge configuration related dipole oscillations, evolving at this scale, are further contributing to the configuration and stabilization of tertiary allosteric states.

As we shall see at a more advanced stage of our analytic considerations on the various bioregulation instances, the biomolecular one included, a secondary downward holographic replication with retrograde causal orientation, is implemented by Quantum mediation, aligning elementary neuronal structures for the optimal implementation of cognitive tasks. These tasks have been preselected in time at the high implication levels which are specific to Consciousness and self-awareness related representational modalities.

In our view, cytoskeletal Quantum coherence which satisfies biological integration requirements and functional hierarchic integrations, leads into higher complexity Quantum fields. This situation implies that a direct causational link might be operating across biomolecular, neural network and conscious experience domains.

Cytoskeleton involvement in cognition has to be limited to its specific range of validity. This does not diminish its holonomic importance in the whole. It merely defines its application range in the overall scaling map of interconnected configuration mechanisms, extending across the literally infinite array of implicate domains, which are involved in sentient reality. Fractal expressions of such a multiple-embedded control system may be holographically described as the various conformational transition events which are operating at different size and time scales. Those determinants which are operating within the pico and femtosecond ranges, define atomic, molecular, and cytoskeletal regulation domains.

The cytoskeletal hologram results from convergent SQ patterns, belonging to sensory input signals, and referenced information sources, respectively.
Such Information-guided Quantum superpositions provide a phase-stabilizing calibration system, which, in the available tuned filtering and resonant conditions in the cytoplasm, allow for the selective wave dynamics observed in the cell, as well as in their collective and coordinated "macron" effects. At a corresponding analytic resolution, Quantum macrons implement Information control upon their energetic correlates, at each level of the various informationally implied potential structures which are contributing to the vast holographic assemblage we describe as the sentient biosystem, at all levels of integration.

Functionally effective spatial organizations of cytoplasm activities, as evolving under centriolic microtubule polymerization guidances, wouldn't be conceivable without implying an intelligent primary centriolic activity, in the first place. This cytoplasmic organelle obeys enfolded retrocausation cues, as supplied by overarching centrosomal Quantum states. Such implicate retrocausation blueprints are made possible, as we shall argue, by infinite velocity SQ information transmissions, which has a blurring effect on the chronometric time-embedding of the process.

SQ capacitors aligned along insulated molecular strains, between the hollow core of the microtubule, and the peritubular clear zone, smoothly respond to the Quantum entanglement effects they are embedded in. It has been obviously overlooked until now, that the spatial arrangements of hollow parallel intra-microtubulin systems may result in strong Grebennikov cavitation effects, which are acting as a tuning mechanism, linked into higher order task-related SQ attractors.

We strongly emphasize that cytoskeletal contributions are not limited exclusively to neurons. These contributions are in the background of the lower-level morphogenetic and morphoplastic information controls, which are operating in biological systems, at an overall biomolecular level. These processes must be related to various representational effects, only in their proper application ranges, as seen from the holonomic Bohmian perspective of hierarchical integration constraints.

In our SubQuantum model of reality, cellular gravity, originating in gyroscopic centriolic fluctuations, is intimately coupled to related EM, time and Informational components. This fundamental connectedness of physical forces to Information dynamics, also finds a significant manifestation in the pericentriolar environment embedding the centriolic apparatus, whose stable axial orientation is thus preserved. ATP-generated centriolic rotative oscillations in the 10^7 per second frequency range, match collective energy-absorption bands, orchestrating an efficient detecting and processing apparatus for the linear signals involved.

MTOC-regulated microtubular space-time deployment patterns of multitubular arrays, result in propagations of deterministic changes, able to confer row information about environmental events, without any claim for specific decoding of this Information content. Actual decoding occurs in distant implication domains, well above the intracellular one. Of course, there is a holographic parallelism between neural interconnectedness and MAP attachment patterns to MT. The best MAP1, 2 and Tau ratios in these structures, are selected out by the background organizing fields, via Konga information codes, operating in the microtubular domain.

Further, the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction-diffusion system is scarcely "self-organized". It runs under SQ control. This view is supported by its originating in the phase-singularity toroidal vortex, which is a scalar expression of similar SQ organizing torsion patterns we can follow down through the Compton radius vortex, to operative regimes far below the Planck limit. Winfree-Strogatz organizing effects ascribed to microtubulinic and centriolic dynamic inductors may run under MAP regulation mechanisms, where biochemical short-term MAP memory gets stabilized by SQ controlled Quantum states, affecting their molecular structure.

The downward flow and activation of Information control instances evolves in sensitive Quantum states, which operate via microtubular gradion distribution patterns. These are the building blocks for the Brain engrams whose outputs are amplified by allosteric cooperation chains up to detectable values for appropriate effector response of the biosystem at its macro dynamic level.

In a similar context, we have to emphasize that prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell mobility can't find a really satisfactory explanation in current theoretical proposals..The probing activity of chemo tactic Information signals ascribed to lamellipodia and filopodia requires a still elusive Information processing ability of the signals thus acquired, in order to achieve a cytoplasm-flux decision, oriented in the right direction. It's an almost impossible task to explain cellular chemotactism and motility in embryogenetic pathways without involving a "contact" function ascribed to filopodia, which is related to pre-set target matrix configurations, provided by higher level morphogenetic field matrices.

As previously mentioned, the overall orchestration of the different nanostructures in cells, and their functional correlations, require the hierarchical active interference of organized Information fields to be able to implement an integrated multi-task control. This is a very important contribution to the understanding of the optimal differentiation and high precision path-finding that neuro-embryonar processes are involved in, for establishing the maximal efficiency of interconnection potentials that the morphogenetically resulting Brain can offer.

Where is the control instance of the genetic cell activity itself? A certain kind of "micro-progenetic" regulation of the genetic apparatus itself is required, and this is supplied by stabilized SQ correlation maps available in the Quantum environment, where the genetic processes are embedded. This confirms the Albrecht-Buehler contention regarding hierarchical information processing strata, delivering the required guidances for the cytoplasmic level of intelligence.

Studies put in evidence the questionable role that the physical presence of centrosomes might have in the mitotic process, which process has been shown to proceed in progressing, even after laser irradiations of the centrosomes. This experimental evidence strongly suggests that the formation of the mitotic bipolar spindle follows an Information pattern, and is acting without respect to any centriolic control. As acentrosomal cells lack the radial arrays of astral microtubules and are defective in spindle positioning, the orthogonal arrangement of centrioles seems to have a spatial centralizing task, for the site of the cytokinesis, rather then its initiating one. The mitotic starter, and further guidance, is not biochemically encoded in the cytoskeletal system. It clearly runs under relevant SQ Information control.

Fundamental chemical processes, such as the lysine acetylation on H3 histone, leading to chromatine fragmentation into nucleonic units, influence the transcription phase of the gene expression by histone-encoded epigenetic control. The functional gene product preserves the signature of the histone code, which participates in DNA-templated programs.

A single methyl group discriminating between dymethylated or trimethylated H3 histone components, coupled to the chromodomain, may result in critical structural changes by histone code alterations. This highlights the paramount importance of SQ coordinations at the atomic level, governing elementary chemical events, with decisive consequences for the gene expression and the resulting functional gene products.

SQ mediated Information transfer might operate at or below this atomic resolution, resulting in critical departures from original genomic expressions. This has been amply documented in recent impressive experimental, ontogenetically late instant mutations, reported by Gariaev and his team at the Moscow University.

Here we resume our repeated warning, that genetic and epigenetic code activities must be carefully described in the specific biomolecular/morphogenetic range they apply, avoiding extrapolations into the higher-order implication levels of Information complexity which are certainly involved in Consciousness dynamics. At the same time, we have to keep in mind that determinant coherence effects, ruling biomolecular events, may be analytically addressed as holonomic analogues for Informational processes governing high-level coupling and the integration of Consciousness with multimodal neural network activities in Brain.

We have to keep in mind that hydrophobic interactions involved in polymerization processes are the entropy conservation patents of nature, favoring negentropy, as supplied by the organizing SQ-related Information fields which exist at the biomolecular level. Electron density increases in centrosomal protein molecules orbiting the centriolic foci may be seen as the Quantum inductors, which are regulating Information for the centriolic controls exerted upon particular configuration vectors of cytoskeleton conformation. This process is highly relevant in the centrosome/kinetochores orientation of microtubules, as an Information-induced mechanism, initiating the prophase in eukaryotic cells, possibly involving for this effect, chemo-gravitational fields, related to the gyroscopic inertia of rotating and oscillating centriols.

Microtubular dynamic instabilities, leading to functional cell polarizations and mitosis-related specific structure formations, represent a statistical effect of intra-electronic SQ fluxes evolving in the Compton Radius space under the derivative control of enfolded infograms, mediated by higher level retrocausation effects. Unaccounted-for microtubulinic complexity gradients, beyond the equilibrium state of their subunit configurations, arise from the underlying SQ organizing modules. Coherent dynamic cytoskeleton excitations result in holographic Quantum units, stabilizing standing waves at the info-plasmic resolution level. The ultimate source of biological organization is thereby conceptually removed to deep below the microtubulinic lattice/cytomatrix connectivity relations, toward enfolded background Informational domains.

Coherent nanosecond Froehlich dipole oscillations are coordinated by their fundamental embedding in the Time aspect of the SQ field, which supplies a higher-precision synchronization guide than the one that might be derived from sensitively fluctuating physical forces of local topological relevancy.

Bose-Einstein condensates and Froehlich excitation coherent processes, evolving in the GHz spectral range, producing resonant microwave effects on living cells and other Quantum components, contribute an overall binding-effect, related to cellular functions.

Holographic SQ Informational distributions, resulting in increasingly complex patterning effects is, in our opinion, a more realistic candidate for replicate transcriptions then the one offered by Heidemann's fractal tensegrity model, whose application range is much more limited.

Distant functional cell alignments to resulting local Informational states, is ensured to occur in null-time by the superluminal propagating velocity of the Information carrier SQ infinitesimals, supplying a more fundamental mechanism for Von Neumann-type cellular automata models, than the currently envisaged ones.

For a better understanding of the following section in our exposure, let us recall that ionic flux channels in neuronal signaling, involved in slow propagating "gated" potentials, which evolve under informationally extended SQ space-time patterning effects, have a guiding and stabilizing interaction with transaxonal membrane depolarization waves, described as "action potentials". These have far-reaching global consequences upon the neural networks, and the whole-brain Quantum conformational states involved in Consciousness.

Objective Reduction in the Subquantum Perspective:

Accumulating tubulinic state-superpositions, leading to objective Schrödinger wave-collapse events, in a statistically random time sequence, are obviously unable to convey the extremely refined correlation maps required to produce meaningful and coherent blueprints. From this perspective, pre-reductions of Quantum distributions must satisfy local integration requirements, but not higher level ones, unless some higher-level coordinating system (similar to our SQ model) implements an efficient patterning of the sequence. This sequence results in an orchestrated OR, according to overarching teleological attractors embedded in hierarchically higher-level Quantum configurations. These configurations are holographically imprinted, in a most efficient way, upon the OR mechanism.

The hereby implied Informational control may be mediated by the gravitational component of the SQ units, in the frame of the Quantum gravity threshold proposed by Penrose. Space time geometries related to Quantum superposition states at all of the integration levels, conducive to OR, are fundamental constituents of our hyperdimensional SQ configurations, and subsequently, are the natural carriers of Information stored in their combinatorial aspects forming the given Quantum state.

The self-collapse event is neither random, nor self-chosen by the superposition system itself. It occurs precisely according to the embedding Quantum configuration's requirements, mediated by the Time-Gravity constituents of the underlying SubQuantum apparatus. The OR is the Quantum event which links different sets of deterministic Information controls, and provides their orchestration towards preselected attractor gradients, by suppressing nonconformal components, mostly originating at lower-level integration structures. This occurs in key neural components, which integrate different cognitive implication levels, by time density fluctuations, as described by Kozyrev.

Post-reduction events reflect further Quantum guidelines, related to complex histone codes internal to cytoskeleton nanostructures.


Parallel networks of neuronal and intersynaptic substrates, as Brain correlates of consciousness, work by implementing Quantum correlation aspects established between their energetic blueprints, and the Information counterparts thereof. These conformational equivalents are conveyed via delivery and transcription media by the SQ configurations, which are supplied as references, to the various hierarchical constituent levels of the conscious Self. Thus, the only sustainable representation of Information in Brain has to be found in the interferential range of coupled SQ superposition maps, belonging both to the energetic and Informational components of the binary systems considered to be involved in sentience. According to the Information flow vector, these components assume preferred "active" or "reactive" tasks, which are selected by a switching effect which originates in enfolded control instances, operating in higher implication levels of reality. These instances may implement the teleological retrocausation potentials which are implied in the trans-temporal domains of our interest.

Firing frequency pulse codes are related to stimulus intensity alone. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that, even combined with the neural-network level, closed reverberating connectionism of polyvalent stimulations, which are detecting and integrating potentials, firing frequencies alone, fall short from any content-related Information processing requirements. This becomes more evident in observations of non-specific network activations, or correlation patterns, as involved with the multiple event-parameters they originate in.

Synaptic Long Term Potentialization and heterosynaptic plasticity, are biochemical effects, directly related to transmission velocity and not at all to informational content. These effects increase the Quantum efficiency of the NN involved in generating Quantum replicas for Informational transcription, working as a biological hardware maintenance process, which runs at the low effector range in the signal processing domains. The same observation holds true with regard to the dynein-kinesin orchestrations observed in axoplasmic streams. The quantum configurations of the energy, biochemically derived from tubulinic ATP hydrolysis by the contractile proteins, encodes the proper sequencing coordinations for the contractile structures attached to the microtubular apparatus. This is possible only by Quantum integration into higher level programs. The ratio established between anterograd flux patterns and retrograde axoplasmic flow, with trophic feedback effects on the neuronal mechanism, are initiated under this localized Quantum control as an Information pattern consolidation effect, which is supplied to the neural unit and its assemblies, at SQ level of integration.

SubQuantum modules hierarchically organize and control, implicated levels of Quantum activity, in coordinated brain areas. These coordination instances are operating, at a maximum efficiency range, which undeniably is far beyond the proposed strictly localized Gazzaniga inference engine or Minsky's multiple connected frame model. The "graininess" of representational patterns has to be found at the level of the Information-bearing infinitesimals, which are cooperating to form the Quantum map which functionally involves neural collectivities, where each cell participates into the representation, at its own SQ efficiency index. Freeman's collective behaviors are then a result of these collective Quantum activations. This activity has to be carefully distinguished from EEG patterns, which represent the general integration of overall Brain activities, into the planetary Schumann resonance-system.

Also, it is mandatory to differentiate the biological intelligence, which has been related to patterns of cytoskeletal responses to weak oscillating electric fields, from the task-related Quantum-coordination of trigger EM signals, and the cytoskeletal reaction modes, which are responding to resonant EM signals. As a matter of fact, weak EM fluctuations operating at the level of SQ configurations, are amplified into Quantum maps at cytoskeleton range, contributing to the level-specific engram formations. This process accounts also for the nonlinear tensility of cytoskeleton structures. The formation, depolimerysation, and Intracellular orientation of microtubulinic assemblies according to functional attractors, evolve under related Information supply internal to the bio-regulating Quantum field potential. Tubulin dimer topology is in tilted and helicoidal hexagonal lattice structures, rather than different, biologically non-efficient orientations. These orientations are established under the organizing cytomorphogenetic SQ field potentials, as well. These potentials are conveyed to the reacting system by the Van der Waals London dipole coupling forces, which express an unfolding of the implicate SQ configurations operating at the cytoskeletal level - and far more fundamental integration domains, internal to the fine structure of participant electrons themselves.

In a similar manner, independent tyrosination/glutamation chains of tubuline subunits are variably related to DNA transcription effects, while sidearm dynein propulsion systems for axoplasmic transports, conveniently evolve under SQ coordinations, derived from hierarchically integrated organizing fields and holographic superpositions of teleological attractors. These mechanisms are coupled into the organismic level of the overall integration of the Self into its environmental conditions. From this perspective, local Shannon's "message formal structure" is meaning-laden in its specific cytoplastic target range alone, where decoding organizational meanings conveyed by formal patterns is performed at the level of the biomolecular subunits which are involved in cytoplasm activity. The interacting spatial and temporal components in this process are not the source of Information. They are results of Information, used for coupling into the local energetic fields which are related to large scale intracellular biomolecular connectedness. Collective cytoskeletal activities are not generating Information patterns, but expressing them, according to geodesic tensegrity nets, which carry the Information required for their expressions.

The dielectric wave-guide model, as proposed for the micro tubular photonic conduction by Hameroff, gains an increasing importance, especially in the temporal and hipocampal areas of enhanced directed photonic penetrations. This is consistent with our references to photons as undifferentiated Information carrier agents that contribute to holographic image formations in various interference instances. More elaborate considerations, related to Boolean matrix vectors organizing in SQ arrays, suggest a selective coupling between the ATP-related Infrared radiations which are observed internal to biomolecules, and their programming induction fields.

This means that the axoplasmic traveling of previously conjectured "representational screens" evolves under SQ control rather then an elusive programming previously assumed to originate in the microtubule formations themselves. Nevertheless, the Hameroff-Watt concept of holographic information storage, activating coherent wave patterns in cytoplasm, is in our opinion the most advanced concept ever proposed, seen its compelling similarity to our SQ modeling of the main underlying principles.

The Boolean switching matrix proposed by Hameroff strongly reminds Eccles' modular cortex activation patterns, amenable to configurationally meaning-related Quantum transcription both along afferent and efferent operational connectivity vectors. Recent experimental data (A. Maier) reveals that at the bacterial single-cell level (Esc. Coli) there exists the presence of an intelligent decision-making capability, which is obviously acting at the genomic level.

Distribution patterns of environmental water molecules, carrying chemically noxious ions, at the external membrane surface of the cell, may be disturbed by a feedback genetic-signalization which results in turn-overs of hydrophilic behavioral components, into hydrophobic ones, at that level. This experimentally confirmed reactive biochemical choice behavior, strongly contradicts the concept of biomolecular level initiations of upward organizational arrays by an accumulating chain of merely causal sequencing. This becomes still more evident seeing context-dependent perceptual modulations which exist in single-neuron activities. Neurons in the visual cortex have been electro physiologically proved to alter their spiking rates, according to perceptual interpretations of the stimulus. This implies a retrograde causation chain, which is consistent with the downward implication system we propose. This gets further experimental support in cortical sensory-motor mirror networks, supplying preferential functional subsystem activation patterns, according to the emotional valence and arousal properties of nonverbal vocalizations (J.E.Warren & All, 2006). Moreover, neural burst events recorded in the thalamic lateral geniculate nucleus, which are related to visual encoding in the Lesica-Stanley experiments, put in evidence stimulus-related Information encoding efficiencies, in collective coherent neural firing events. Relying on explicit investigation procedures, the authors concluded that a possible cortical-feedback regulation mechanism is resulting in thalamic neuronal depolarization and a consequent switching from burst, to tonic firing patterns, after detection of the stimulus. The resulting linear transmission of preselected stimulus features is reached by pre-activations based on a higher-level interpretative processing, able to modulate overall neural cell activities, according to meaning indices, which indices are detected as being present in the signal content. More evidence for Informational bypass-mechanisms, circumventing primary visual cortex structures, is supplied by the nonconformal ratios which are existing between the alternate available extra-striate efficiencies, and the superior resolution-level that the visual stimulus achieves during its transcriptions into subjective awareness, as well-documented in papers related to blind sight.


The selection of a preferred eigenvalue for the Quantum state, which state precedes the wave-collapse transition event, is far from a "random process" as proposed in standard Quantum Mechanical theory in its Copenhagen interpretation. In the SQ model of reality, state reductions are not related to ambient "observation" interferences, but follow a deterministic crystallization trajectory of a preferred orientation, not dissimilar to the physical laws governing fluid dynamics in the macroscopic range. We claim that subsequent and fundamental orchestrations of global Quantum-map configurational interplays, are excessively underestimated, when placed in the functional range of cytoskeletal biochemistries, or even when associated with coherent neural network activities.

As we have already stressed in the past, NN components bear a very low-level causal significance as related to actual observable cognitive functions. Quantum Mechanical states display a double reactivity, both to SQ originated cognitive modulators, as well as to SQ sensory modulators of environmental origin, which are implementing the alignments and superposition states of both these sets of information, during each cognitive instance. Such Quantum Mechanical effects express both underlying, antero and retro causal, SQ determinacy chains, able to imprint into the integral system, the best embedding variant into an "All-time" modulated functional efficiency.

Overlapping coherence bands, which are involving sensory, mental and emotional contributions to selected Quantum potentials, may reach out to, and be analytically followed in, transpersonal EEG synchronization effects.

In the past, we have highlighted some of the Quantum mechanical components which are resulting in deterministic interactions between Heisenberg Choice activations, and Dirac's "response ability", which is suppressing nonconformal evolutionary lines of possible expansion options which are originating in transient background uncertainty effects. This Dirac-response selection of deterministically controlled, conformal Quantum configurations, is implemented by the Quantum Zeno stabilizing effect upon the task-oriented Stapp action template, which is further stabilized by Quantum fixations of the implied basic vectors, in their Hilbert space.

The perfectly synchronized dual Quantum interactions we have described in our previous publications, lead to suppressions of conflicting action potentials, by interplays between superposing inhibitory signals and proactive proxy attractors. Thus, resulting neural signal sequences are deterministically aligned to preselected and appropriate action templates, in the Brain. Of course, neural paleostructures of Brain are placed under a priority response regime, which is aligned to Quantum determinacy cues, thus ensuring favored implementations, which are survival value configurations. This alignment of priorities results in - as we shall see - efficient and reversible dissociations, which can be observed under conditions of anesthetic neural interferences, between preserved paleointegrative vital functions, and higher-order cognitive processing events. Reversible blocking hippocampus-neocortical pathway conductions, involved in representational projections toward the self-conscious SQ structure, may have some relevance in this context, as implemented by metabotropic glutamate receptor effects on hippocampus synaptic plasticity.

No conscious equivalent can be proved to directly result from the collapse of conformationally-coupled Quantum superposition states. So OR-conjectured transitions between, preconscious and conscious states, have no experimentally provable anchorage in observable phenomenological reality. At the same time, Quantum-map configuration-changes can't be described without these same phenomenological substructures. In this meaning, OR events are actually located in the preconscious range, though without direct subsequent repercussions on Qualia (Subjective experience).

Self-perturbations in Space-time geometry, which have been suggested as Quantum correlates of Consciousness in the OrchOR model, are conceptually consistent with the innately-hyperdimensional essence of our SQ information-bearing units, and can be seen as their logical consequence.

The elementary unit of consciousness, the conscious "now" is not the instantaneous result of hierarchic binding effects of probability-wave reductions. In a more comprehensive reference frame, extending beyond space and time constraints, into the ontologically autonomic Information fields governing SQ activity, causation chains oriented along chronological time vectors, cease to be the ultimate deterministic pathways for meanings transfered across hierarchic holonomic networks, as implied by global integration processes.

Information subunits aggregate, in both directions of the Time vector, into an experiential "nowness", accessible to the Conscious Self. At the same time, this process provides the global reference frames for mnestic structures, which are stored in the atemporal Information fields, which are actually required for setups of actual connectional meanings. Such events involve Quantum nonlocal effects, originating in instances of space-time-free hyperdimensional couplings, of the SQ Units to Information fields, implementing in this way, a highly more efficient communication system than the one predicted by standard Quantum entanglement schemes.

Therefore, the ultimate coordination instance for consciousness-related phenomena has to be emphatically relocated into the Information-driven integration and guidance system, which is provided at SQ level by the hyperdimensional Informational essences it involves. In turn, this process of integral personality-representing focal information-condensations, actualizes the sequentially higher-order organizational principles which are innately embedded in the all pervading cosmic harmony.

Memory Storage and Recall
Learning and memory are not functions of inter-neuron synaptic modeling effects, as currently held. Mnestic patterns actually correspond to Information field configurations, each stored in their own SQ domain. Evidently, their preset resolutions, are in the first place, a function of recurrent synaptic connectional patterning processes, which lead to an increased accuracy in the replications of the original Quantum maps, as presented to the observer by integrated sensory cues, during the learning process. Of course, biomechanical details of mnemonic replication effects are favored in this range, by the allosteric behaviors of presynaptic Ca channels and by the "habituation" of chreodic vectors, operating at biochemical levels.

Functional distributions of mnemonic traces, throughout the Brain, leads to their Quantum recalling, from any holographic storage module, by reference superposition attractors which are supplied as the symmetry components produced by an inquiring mind, in form of SQ patterns which generate field alignments to the, holographically-encoded, relevant Quantum activity components.

This view is consistent with Lashley's interference engram, if transposed to the Quantum level and beyond. Any structural or locational aspects, regarding neurally encoded memory patterns, must be abandoned as only of an historic value. The reactivation patterns in Quantum maps, related to specific memory constellations must be seen as SQ-triggered alignments of extended Brain energy substructures. Each time, the SQ attractor performs the selective regulations of Quantum mechanical processes, which are correlated to the recalling event. Information is not stored in the physical Brain. It is reactivated in Quantum states by global resonant replications, which are controlled by SQ induction filters. A very large number of neurons participate in this Quantum resonance. Topological tracking of activated modules and networks, in specific instances, may be the subject of future, more refined, fMRI investigations.

Changeux's "representations" are ultimately SQ configurations, patterned in a "matching/not matching" mechanism, by real time sensory Information inputs, in a wide correlation context, pattern-matched to identical SQ-essence memory-storage pools.


From all the previously introduced considerations, it clearly results that consciousness is in NO WAY a collective effect of conformational dynamics evolving at some lower hierarchic implication level. The SQ paradigm aligns these categories along a reversed causation vector, which is allowed by the fundamental time invariance applying to the Maxwell equations.

From this novel perspective, the anesthetic collective inhibition of dynamic conformal changes in Brain substructures exclude brain responses to available Quantum configurations, as supplied by the SQ processes which evolve in the conscious Self, and Brain mediations of environmentally-generated afferent signals, which are aimed, by the faculty of attention, towards the aforementioned ultimate SubQuantum processing structure - the individual Self. If there is no attention for the thing or event, that thing or event does not exist for the observer.

Phase transitional sequencing in the implemented Brain/Consciousness decoupling and re-coupling pathways, are eloquently related to multidimensional dynamics, exactly as illustrated in the recently published Walling-Hicks phase-space EEG transcriptions. Hyperdimensional integration gradients into SQ-mediated Information fields are locally dependent upon the determinational quantum states of Brain, which are in turn, hampered during anesthetic impairments of regulating London force effects, at the level of nanoscale biomolecular background events. This explains why lower subsets of organismic integrations, governing vital functions, are preserved during anesthetic depth values, which are able to disconnect biological ground processes, from their projective space consciousness correlates. As an unavoidable, absolutely compelling consequence, conscious processing of environmental events may freely evolve during this disconnected state, leading to SQ memory patterns which are being dynamically stored in the projective space-time, and subsequently re-supplied to the individual, for post-anesthetic recollections. Such recollection instances are abundantly described in the literature as "paranormal events" of the OBE and NDE kind.

Just as at biological resolution level, chemical energy patterns, have Information propagating efficiency, unimpaired conformal functionings of collective neural assemblies are required for up-scaled integrations of Qualia and provide meanings into the Self, during its coupled modus operandi to Brain. Anesthetic impairments at low integration levels, propagate in cascade-like dysfunctional arrays across the higher integration structures of Brain, resulting in Brain's transient functional dissociation from the self conscious entity. The duration of such instances may vary from consciously unperceived micro-blackouts in the stream of consciousness, through short-term neural hypoxic effects, controlled medication efficiency windows (anesthesia), to long-term so-called "vegetative" preservations of vital functions. Beyond this connectedness reversibility threshold, experimental and experiential evidence strongly supports observations of unimpaired cognitive functions, which are operating their own, separate, SQ integration domains, which are able to interfere with anesthetic influences, by lowering entropy states, in both biological and non-biological systems, which are capable of modulable random energy-pattern supplies.

During anesthetic interferences, short-term memory fixation components, with biomolecular background requirements, may be impaired. Complex peripheral Information inputs may circumvent this integration level, resulting in extra-sensorial transmissions and subsequent coherent patternings of SQ maps, occurring at the highest level of the observing Self. Such imprinted configuration patterns may act as induction fields for subsequent Quantum replication effects in the Brain, during the post-narcotic phase, resulting in long-term memory blueprints which may be recalled by accessing the proper Quantum connectivity pathways, which are normally involved in Consciousness/Brain coupling functions. Such memory contents preserve special integrated aspects from their non-neural extrasensory recording pathways, supplying the specific heterotopic recollection parameters which define OBE and NDE reports. Such reports gain phenomenal reliability from the perspective of our SQ integration concepts, which contradict consciousness-suppression effects which have been misleadingly ascribed exclusively to physiological or medication-induced, transient cortical dysfunction states.


A. Hyperdimensional essence of Brain

Conformational and combinatorial structures at neural biomolecular level, obviously obey distribution orders far beyond their own structural codes. Direct photonic excitations by favored temporal penetration windows of the Right Temporal Lobe and its associated limbic system components, may contribute to Brain's biological interface with an interconnected Universe, as suggested by M. Morse (Univ. of Washington), such processes enhancing religious and NDE-type experiences. He suggests ascribing to the right temporal lobe, a biological vehicle value for morphic resonance-mediated control in post-genetical ontogenetic phase correlations.
In a personal communication dated back to 1997, J. Whinnery pointed to dreamlet-like experiences originating in hypoxic brain modules, as being similar to NDE reports. These kinds of experiences imply neural connectivity to non-local Quantum-Reality Information structures and corresponding configurational maps.

Extending the Rubner-Kleiber scaling computation laws , K.Togbey & All performed a fractal analysis of the relevant allometric exponents of the Brain, reaching a 4/5 law. This implies that a 5th dimensional function is present in resonant NN connectivities. This finding relates Brain's Information-coding abilities to the Golden Mean ratio, by equating EEG metrics to number of harmonics times 2φ. Wave packets, scaled in powers of the Golden Mean, exert a patterning action upon the time-lags separating neural firing events, over several orders of magnitude. Harmonic spectra below and above the brain's fundamental 2 φ frequency matrix, are involved. Neural networks operate according to powers of 2φ/2, efficiently using them for Fibonacci series related Information coding, involving Hausdorff dimensions which are implementing the fractal distribution patterns of SQ information structures.

Log-normal and power-Law distributions of variables are thus governing heritance and aberrance processes in biosystems, where the power-law distribution proves to accurately describe the Fokker-Plank equation, as applied to the discrete variables related to SQ Informational Units and their combinatorial matrices.

B. Non-physical signalization.

Our SQ model has received an important support, by the novel view on Quantum physics recently proposed by P.V.Kurakin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), which addresses hidden variables as evolving in a hidden space/time, without violating Bell's theorem. This highly appealing model of non-physical signalization systems, running in "hidden-time", beyond normal physical time constraints, is strongly consistent with our infinite-velocity SQ signalization concept. Indeed, hidden-time dynamics - the ones occurring in Information fields - result in the best conceivable controls of the deterministic parameters which are at work between elementary events, such as photon emission and absorption, thus implementing informationally enfolded guidances of energetic phenomena. Standard QM offers nothing more then a few predicted probability amplitudes, for such elementary processes. Physical "quantum time" normally refers to the number of energy quanta, absorbed at a given point in Space, during a given time-span, as derived from normalizing experiment-related variables. The photon emission/absorption events themselves, are currently seen as running in a random, probabilistic framework.

The Kurakin Quantum model allows for a deterministic patterning of such events, rather than a probabilistic randomness, by introducing non-physical modes of Information signaling, which operate in the background, hidden-time, dimension. This involves complex interactions between "queries" and "confirmations", where queries and responses are operating non-locally as parallel vectors, composed of direct, and backwards-oriented, non-physical signals. These information signals, which are regulating Quantum processes, evolve as hidden variables, in the physically inaccessible domains, as defined in the Compton Radius Vortex, by a lower metric value then the Compton wavelength itself. This signalization control involves coaxial superpositions between contradicting time propagation vectors, thus involving retrocausation effectors originating in preselected SQ matrix fields of higher implicated orders. Such Information signals are displaying a physically detectable fractal integration amplitude, only at the levels of fragments of superposition, thus eliminating the need for any theoretically uncomfortable, and physically hard to demonstrate, backwards-flow patterns, in physical time.

According to this advanced concept, Quantum choice happens in no physical instant (zero time), as a result of Information-signal superpositions along their vacuum trajectories. As described in the Kurakin model,.Information propagation channels in the vacuum, are thus controlled by "virtual" guiding structures. Such structures might be mutually compensating pairs of Information-charged SQ units, organized in SQ condensates which are not signal-generating formations. These distribution patterns in the vacuum originate at a higher level of integration, aiming target-related conformal signal transmission blueprints which are reching various targets, in zero time. This results in an apparent retrocausation of the pure Informational essence, as implemented by the hidden-time symmetry of Informational vectors, which allow primary query signals to be propagated from detector to source - and not the other way around - as amply explained in Kurakin's model. relying upon Cramer's transactional interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.

From this novel perspective, Objective Reduction events of Quantum superposition states are seen as instantly deriving from hidden-time signalization patterns and not at some random and undefinable pace, as seems to be implied by the previously conjectured "Quantum gravity control". This retro causative chain operates along a downward implication vector of Informational essences, modulating upward physical trends, as described in the Penrose Hameroff model, and thus exerting a perfectly coordinated deterministic control upon the overall orchestration of the physical processes involved in neural activity. This easily explains both, the "logical" overall outcome of consciousness-related Quantum processes, and the highly elusive feature of the phenomenal continuity of Consciousness. This view overcomes the various unavoidable statistical segmentation effects, which are commonly resulting from applications of classical Quantum mechanical views.

Brain operates in physical time at the Quantum level, but it also operates as an interdimensional resonator, one which is capable of coupling hidden-time SQ signal processing events, into biomolecular energy-related Quantum states. Time-patterning Quantum events prove to be but the statistical results of deterministic SQ processes, evolving in the hidden time frameworks, which we have associated to a projective space, whose limiting singularity is the Quantum-embedding Euclidian space. Our extended team reached by now a quite advanced stage of developing an infinite tetration and self-root related mathematical formalism able to express these kinds of interdimensional transitional geometries, involving non-integer hyperoperations, which expectedly will highlight the many new connections hereby suggested, between Informational 2D spinor spaces and the Euclidian space of Brain, putting in a new light, the Brain correlates which are addressed by the OrchOR model of Consciousness.

Countless far-reaching explanatory consequences derive from these novel concepts, extending from anesthesia-related topics, to free-will proactiveness, to remote phenomenal patterns. These understandings are related to statistically significant, experimental and experiential results, such as those reported during "paranormal" Information-processing research programs.

From the new perspectives opened by the SQ model we defend, we suggest to replace the currently held concepts of purely biochemically-induced consciousness-suppressing effects, as seen during narcosis, by a more accurate understanding, one which implies that, during narcosis, a transient decoupling effect is occurring between the individual self-conscious structure and the Brain (as the interaction tool of the Self), with relation to an energy-defined ambient reality. This decoupling occurs as a result of abnormal chemical influences on the normal biomolecular backgrounds which are required for setting up the various resonant Quantum maps involved in consciousness, in the normal waking state. Moreover, such disconnection states allow for continued and undisturbed cognitive functions running in projective space, despite any induced failures of the normal biochemical systems, leading to mnemonic configurations with the ability of triggering conformational Quantum maps in Brain, after the suppression of the chemical disturbance of the physical background during anesthesia. This effect is amply documented in a compellingly extended database which piles up in currently running investigation programs, with results which are confirming the endless chain of anecdotal post-surgical subjective reports which have been abundantly recorded (and routinely dismissed, as being events which are conceptually opposed to the standardized contents of the prevalent Consciousness-related theories).

Unfortunately, addressing various anomalous cognitive phenomena, from the perspective of the novel approach hereby proposed, would vastly exceed the scope of our current presentation. We hope to have future opportunities to extend upon these kinds of topics, which dearly need the canonical acceptance of the academic community, at this stage. We have tried to significantly contribute to this aim by bringing forward our currently achieved insights, as offered in this presentation, which hopefully will yield a future of experimentally supported developments, in these deserving fields.

By now, we can see that the fundamental rules of the game need to be changed, in order to bring Consciousness research, and the understandings derived from it, into an alignment with the reproducibly observable facts, which facts unfortunately tend to defy the explanatory ranges of current paradigmatic constraints . Such observables can't be dismissed any more, or ignored, or misinterpreted, by biased preconceived approaches and tendencies. Prof. Hameroff's expressions regarding a Brain-coupled Consciousness seem to be perfectly consistent with H.Stapp's Quantum-mediated "top-level control" paradigm, as well as being consistent with our SubQuantum concepts, which describe the details of this control's concrete implementation. Therefore, this novel view has to replace the obsolete one, which has proposed a Brain-based epiphenomenal approach. During the last few decades, the epiphenomenal approach has progressively degenerated, and thence stabilized into a most regrettable set of accumulations from the past, a unfortunately biased set of physically unverifiable, and conceptually egregious errors, in Consciousness Studies.



1. Conscious experience is "embedded in a fundamental space-time geometry", being accessed but NOT SELECTED by the OR process.

2. Our SQ model addresses the "non-computable" components of the Penrose sequences related to OR, which occur in Brain, not as "aspects" of Consciousness, but as correlates of Consciousness.

3. OR occurs not by cumulative Quantum superpositions by way of a random probabilistic Quantum mechanical effect, but due to purely deterministic sequences, imposed on the system by requirements which are originating from the Information fields.

4. Our SQ model provides the solution for the elusive determinism in specific 3-D configurations of amino acid chains in tubuline molecules (the "protein folding problem"), describing it as evolving along a teleological attractor-like vector.

5. Bose-Einstein type macroscopic Quantum coherent states, amplify the resulting Quantum effects, by sharing the thus selected wave function, and at the same time translating Informational configurations into the Brain's Quantum states.

6. SQ mediated Information Orchestration enters the Quantum domain via non-random van der Waals London dispersion forces, regulating Quantum superpositions of conformational states and aligning them for successful replications of SQ inductor maps.

7. Coherent Quantum superpositions in molecular hydrophobic enclaves are not a "prerequisite for consciousness". Such superpositions are simply supplying an orchestrating effect, which is resonant with Quantum maps in the Brain, thus tuned to SQ configuration information equivalents, which exist previously, in higher implication levels (Information determinacy).

8. Anesthetics may act in hydrophobic enclaves by obeying the Meyer-Overton correlation requirements, suppressing the fine-tuning effects between Quantum events occurring at this level, and their SQ-map counterparts, thus disrupting any afferent inputs into the conscious fields of subjective experience. At the same time, this process is suppressing Quantum neural resonance transcriptions with complex cognitive processes, which processes are meanwhile proceeding in their own projective space. In this way, anesthetics dissolve the physical Brain's correlations with the non-material Consciousness (mind), thus preventing noxious inputs from reaching the non-material Mind, by way of neural transmissions. Mind observably and instrumentally continues, even when the electrochemical mechanisms of the physical brain are turned off.


1. We defend a novel approach which shows two distinct states of human consciousness:

            A.) The condition of being a free, SubQuantum-related, cognitive complex, one which is evolving beyond physical space and time constraints, following an increasingly negentropic vector. Together with thermodynamical chains of increasing entropy in various energetic ranges, this state contributes, over time, to a total entropy-negentropy conservation law, as fundamental to our Universe.

            B.) The brain-coupled functional variant of the above mentioned structure, with describable parametric correlates, as amply treated in the Orch-OR model.

2. At the level of its utmost morphogenetic complexity, brain is progressively patterned during its ontogenetic phases, for an increasing Information processing efficiency, with multitasking capabilities.

3. Our model is not reducible to previous dualistic or epiphenomenal concepts, as its approach to Information signalization and control apparatus is deeply rooted in modern, experience and experiment-supported, physical observations and their accompanying mathematical constructions.

4 We amply argument the "why" Brain is the ideal anchorage tool of organized Information fields, into ambient energetic Space-time dependent processes.Brain supplies the active components of this integration, by implementing symmetrical Information flows between the interconnected Quantum structures which are involved in the coupling process.

5. Our novel approach is  rooted in an overwhelmingly deep pool of information, comprising an objective, experimental, and multi-disciplinary, extended database. This database includes in its explanatory range, both "normal" and "anomalous" Information-related phenomena, in a non-contradictory and coherent epistemological framework.





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